yet another Robiah.

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Here is a fabulous Niqobiy story!
I met her at a youth camp like four years ago.  The youth camp was done annually and we do meet for religious and intellectual programs.

The first year I met this wonderful sister, she was putting on some material which she used for her small hijab and maybe a gown.  That was how she dressed often.  Sometimes, she wrapped her veil around her.

Surprisingly, the next year, I met this sister with her full khimar and gloves.  That was so fascinating!  Yes it is, because this sister was the type that loves fashion. She was very sensitive to her way of dressing.  Everything has to be Okay and cooperate.

The following year, this sister came to camp with Niqob!  Least expected! Surprising.  Not only that, this beautiful lady completed memorising the whole Quran!  She could also speak Arabic!
Now, stay back and read her hijab and Niqob story!

Before I started using the khimar, I know it was a good thing to do. But my problem is how I would cope with my studies and the society. With time, when I started learning the Quran, I came across some verses pertaining to the hijab. I was not convinced because I was a fashionista, I loved all these color combinations, flashy and all sort. 
As I gained more knowledge, I felt it was high time I started putting on the khimar. I wanted to study medicine and so, I was confused about how to manage my dressing with studying medicine. Later I resolved in my mind that Allah is the one worth obeying.  I took my step and started putting on the khimar. It's important to point out that I lived among Muslim sisters who use to wear the khimar while in school and this also influenced my decision to put on the khimar.

When I got home from my school, my mum disagreed with my new way of dressing. She detested it. With time, she allowed me to put it on although, she still didn't like it.
I continued going to madrasah and I learnt more about the deen, I started memorising the Quran and listen to Islamic lectures.
With time, I felt I have to please Allah more and I decided to put on the Niqob.  My mum totally disagreed with this.  Being her only daughter, she likes me alot.  She would call on phone, crying that I should suspend the Niqob till after marriage.  She would wake me up in the midnight, begging and telling me why she thought I should not use the Niqob yet.  I only tried to persuade her and convince her that it's Allah's commandment and am only doing that for the sake of Allah.
After sometimes, my mum was convinced about the hijab. In fact, she also started to use khimar!
She would even be the one to remind me when I forgot to put on my socks or gloves. She supports me.

However, so many challenges came from outside. That moment you enter the class and all eyes are on you or that moment the
Person sitting next to you in class is trying to avoid contact with you.  Or the moment you are walking around and you realise that you're different from every other person around.
But all in all, I feel fulfilled, I feel respected and I feel like the real muslimah I am.
What helped me most in this my hijab journey was the direct guidance from Allah which was obtained through the search of knowledge. Knowledge is the key to success, it is light, it is the only cure to ignorance.
I pray that Allah increase me in Knowledge and guidance and I beseech Allah to help all Muslim sisters to find it easy to put on the hijab.  Aamin.

Assalaam alaykum warahmatullah wabarakatuhu readers,  am sorry for updating late but I hope you learnt one or two things from my update so far. If yes then kindly vote,comment and share.
Get back to you soon in shaa Allah.

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