Chapter 2

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     A/N: Yeah, the format is going to be terribly off because I uploaded this on a computer but yeaaahhh hope you enjoy this long over-do chapter!

      Our horrid heroes: Ichin, Terrence, Raven, Makoto, Miki, and Gogeta have now banded together to create the team, D.V.O.J, and now they must figure out their positions in the team. But before we can get to that part, we need to fund out what the hell Alois is up to now.

      "Since all those idiots don't know what they're doing, I'll just step in" The devilish child smirked, giving an evil laugh, coughing a little afterwards. He vanished to his room, taking out many different supplies from around his room. He grabbed some old, crappy clothing, a sewing machine that he would have to figure out how the hell to use, and a bunch of other stuff, making a costume of pure evil. 

      After a few hours of stabbing his own fingers and sewing it all together, he finally finished the costume. At least the joke one. He made a bunny costume, a black one latex one...why? Because why the hell not. He put it on right as his mom walked in on him. 

      "Alois...what the actual hell are you doing?" The silver haired mother named Rikku said as she glared her son down. Alois grinned like a pure angel, making Rikku uncomfortable. 

      "I'm planning Halloween early! I'm gonna be a bunny!" The not-so-pure child said, smiling brightly. 

      "Oh um....alright then?" The silver haired woman saying, knowing her demonic child was up to some sort of stupid shit. She left the room of mini Satan to go back to filling out boring paper work or some sort of business. 

      Alois continued working on his evil costume and coming up with evil plans to unveil at the new, sadly developed, D.V.O.J.

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