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So I have had 4 days of school so far and I already have had algebra homework science homework history homework and English homework. What the heck teachers?! Oh and we can't forget stupid school volleyball tryouts where all it is is the coaches playing favorites for who gets to be on a team.
I'm good enough to be on a team (and I'm not like some bragging ahole, I actually know what I'm doing) but oh no just because I can't jump very high I get placed on what I'm pretty sure will be b team. I can freaking block and hit but nope! I'm not her favorite so b team here I am!!

One day later (Friday)

Well I am exhausted. Had to deal with my best friends hanging out with the jerk who made me cry and then I say I'm not sitting with them anymore unless they don't sit with her and I get told that "she's going through a rough time and she really doesn't need you to be mean to her. Grow up and quit being mean". I honestly need to find new friends but my birthday is coming up and I really don't want to be friendless for it. Idk what to do honestly.

But yeah. Asides from that little spat between me and my friends I had a good week I guess. How was everyone else's week? How many of y'all have started school? I wanna know about y'all as well!


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