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Cheryl Montgomery a girl everyone envys.
From her healthy brown hair to her perfectly painted toenails.

Though everyone wants to be like her the girl hates her life.
Scarcely a day passes without someone comparing her to her elder sister.

Who's also her father's favourite child because she obeys his commandments.

Cheryl is known for her bad reputation.
Partying on weekdays smoking and getting high.

Her rich parents don't know what to do with her
So they send her away to America.
Away from her friends and the people she loves.


Cheryl Montgomery

Jeffrey our driver turns off the engine and walks out to grab my bag.
Still flabbergasted that my parents sent me away I open the car door.
As soon as my feet collides with the ground I take a deep breath in.

"Jeffrey where are my parents aren't they going to say goodbye?"
I take a look at the elderly man in front of me.

"Sorry darling but they have to work" he gives me a warm smile.

He leads the way into the airport after he locks his Jeep.

"Stay here I'll settle everything for you" he walks off.

I reach my hand into my pocket and grab my phone.

one missed call from twin sister

My eyes turn glossy as I phone her back.

"Omg Cheryl I'll miss you so much why do you have to go" her voice crack makes me roll my eyes.

"You know crying wouldn't solve this.
I'll miss you too but i have to go now"

Quickly I hang up and keep my phone back into my pocket.

"So it's all settled here's your ticket.
You can take your backpack and that little suitcase on the plane.
Gate 9c your plane is boarding in 5 minutes you can go now have fun"

Nodding I grab my things and walk to gate 9c.
I walk inside and meet a smiling security gaurd.

He gives me a box to put my phone,shoes, laptop, belt and jewels in it.

I set my backpack in the other boxes and walk through the full body scanner and the metal detector.

Luckily I didn't hear any beeping noise so I grab my belongings and walk to the direction of the plane.

I take a seat at the front because my dad had to buy first class tickets note the sarcasm

Slowly people fill the plane and we're ready to take off.

I turn off my phone and ignore the flight attendant who was trying to catch everyone's attention.

Through the first three hours I watched a movie.
I'm still pissed that they didn't say goodbye.

Who's going to pick me up.
All I know is that I'm going to stay at my aunt's for some years until I've learned my lesson to be a girl.

Bullshit like I'm going to learn it in America if they want me to learn something they should have send me to a school or some kind of shit.

I switch on my phone and listen to the voice of my favourite artist Logic.
His songs are underrated they are the only things that make me smile.

My eyes feel heavy eventually I drift off to sleep.

"Excuse me we're landing please switch off your phone"
I obey and look out of the window.
Minutes later we land and i grab my things without hesitation.

I walk out of the plane and wait for my luggage.
As soon as i see them I follow the yellow arrows that direct me to the exit.

I put my passport in my bag and walk out.
Happily I took a deep breath in.
I'm out of that smelling airport thank God.

My smile turns into a frown as I remember that I don't know who's waiting for me.
Minutes pass and i keep on hoping that my aunt will pick me up.

Eventually my legs feel tired.

I set my suitcase on the floor and take a seat on it.
Not far from me i see a boy holding a board.

I try to read it but don't understand it.
Tilting my head to the side i notice that he's holding it upside down.

Curious to know what's written on it i place my legs on my suitcase and try to do a handstand.

Welcome Cheryl

Losing my balance i fall and hit my head on the ground.
The boy notices and walks up to me.
"Are you ok" he smiles holding out his hand for me to hold.

"Yeah uhm you're holding the board upside down I'm Cheryl"
The boy blushes and looks down.

"I'm Daniel nice to meet you"
Nodding I grab my bag.

"Where's my aunt" I look around searching for her.

"Don't worry I'll take you home.
Leave the bags here I'll take then"

"What a gentleman but I'll take the three you can take the last one thank you"

Daniel grabs the bag and shows me where he packed his car.
I take a seat and he turns on the ignition.

The car starts moving and i open the window sticking my head out of it.
My hair flies in every direction which makes me smile.

Never in my entire life have I felt so free.
Free from my parents free from their commands and free from my perfect sister.

"Wow you already like it here"
I look over at Daniel and smile widely.
"Yeah do you have an aux cable?" I ask smiling.

"Yeah it's right there" he points at the back seat.

I grab it and connect it to my phone.
Seconds later I hear Logic's voice.
The journey to my aunt's mansion was great.

"Ok we're here" he opens the door and grabs my bag.

I mouth a thank you and walk over to my aunt who was smiling.
She runs up to me and wrapped her arms around me.

"You're so beautiful now you completely changed" she lets go of me and looks over at Daniel.

"Show her the house immediately" she ordered.

"Yes mam"


What's up people I started a new fan fiction.
I hope y'all like it mariah-rose inspired me to write this.
Her books are amazing you have to check them out.
Love y'all

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