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Cheryl's Pov

I have had enough of my mother and sister.
They're trying to bring me down and unfortunaly it's working.
Daniel and the boys mean so much to me that I could actually try and stay away from Daniel.

After I stuff all my books into my bag my lazy ass walks quietly into the kitchen.
Placing my bookbag under the table I walk into the dining room filled with my family.

"Good morning" my dad and Cameron greet.
Surprised I greet my dad back and wrap my arms around Cam.

"Good morning aunt" I greet waiting for my food to be served.
She waves and pays her phone more attention.
Daniel walks into the kitchen placing my food in front of me.
I mumble a quick 'thank you' not caring to look into those eyes that are able to read me like a book.

"Cheryl it's been long since I've heard you playing an instrument would you love to play me a little symphony?" my father asks again.

I look at Cameron who's eyes were as wide open as mine together we turn to our father who was casually eating a slice of bread.

"Yeah I'd love to" my smile spreads across my face and soon I forget about yesterday's incident.

Ten minutes into breakfast the blue eyed boy walks into the dining room.
"Cheryl we have to go" says Daniel standing in front of me
I take a sip from my water nodding.

We walk into the kitchen to grab my bag. Daniel leads me to his car as we take a seat on it like almost every day.
It was awkward that none of us dared to talk. Getting annoyed by the awkward tension he breaks the silence.

"Why aren't you connecting your phone like you always do?" he asks concerned. Looking at him i smile lightly trying to look for an understandable answer or excuse.

"You heard what my mom said yesterday" I tell him with a sad expression looking everywhere but into his eyes. He nods smiling a bit holding my hand while I spoke.

"Daniel I love you and the band but we should avoid each other date my sister. My mom's deal could give you guys a lot of head start into the music industry" I say looking ahead of me still avoiding eye contact.

"Cheryl I like you just as much as you like me I'd never want to hurt you. I don't want to accept your mom's deal" he replies looking at me.

"I feel selfish the boys and you don't "
I continue but Daniel interrupts me.
"Don't worry they'll understand" he pulls up at the schools parking his car before we walk into school.

"I'm going to meet the boys and tell them about your mom's plan" he wraps his arms around me before he walks away.

The three first periods were nice despite the fact that Daniel and I didn't have any same classes. After the interesting presentation a girl held about Shakespeare the bell rang signalling us that it was lunch. Like always I grab my bag and head out of glass going to the cafeteria as suddenly I get pinned against the wall by Jonah.

"You scared the shit out of me" I sigh looking into his chocolate brown orbs. However, the boy ignores me and starts talking. "You are a burden to the boys and I we could go so far but no Daniel had to fall for little miss british and her stupid cute face. Do you know how annoyed I am?" snaps the boy right in front of me.

"What?" I question looking at him confused
"Your mom's deal it could open doors for us we've always wanted to become singers as kids. Sell out arenas release our own ep's and your mom is so nice to give it to us but no Daniel has to ruin it all but I'm not mad at him it's you I'm mad at you by destroying our dreams by being selfish and letting him think that you really like him" says Jonah.

Guilty I look down shedding tears. It's all my fault looking up at him I gulped.
"I've tried to persuade him but he won't listen I talked to him what am I supposed to do now?" I raise a eyebrow puzzled.

"Easy break his heart" he leaves the hall and walks into the cafeteria leaving me here all alone with a wild and messed up condition

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