9. I Liked Someone

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Dear Sir,

Years passed by...and along the way, we lost contact with each other. I don't remember how it happened but suddenly we stopped texting. And the next thing, I knew, is that you graduated from high school while it's my last year in it.

Now that you're in college and in the same campus as mine, I could see you once in a while. What with your college building so close to our high school building? I think it's inevitable that we might see each other again.

We would only be smiling at each other and yes, my heart would still be giddy whenever that happens. But I'm only a growing teenager, my eyes laid on many boys in my school. Some are cute and handsome, some talented, some intelligent and some possess that sense of humor girls would have a crush on.

I wasn't an exception to that. I've had my own fair share of crush here and there.

And I liked someone, consistently, til now I guess, I probably still hoped we will end up together. Occassionally. How do I describe him? He's very handsome, considerably tall, a genius, he's into music and very gifted with it...he could be perfect...except that he's kind of snob.

Yeah, he's snob and some call him arrogant, but I think he had all the right to be because he almost has everything.

Because of our interest in music, we kind of became friends - him and I. We fell into the same band and same singing club. He would play the guitar and piano for me, and sing me songs. I was crushing on him so huge because he paid me attention even if it may meant nothing to him. He introduced songs to me, one of which is so special to me 'til now, it would remind me of him whenever I hear it play. We would even sing duets. We performed together as a band in school activities - I sang while he backed me up and played the guitar. We sang together in front of many people. We became really friends, I hoped, that we each have our own terms of endearment. I wouldn't mention here, of course. And because we became friends, I saw through that mean guy facade. Inside was a caring human. He loved cats, which told me he's caring and very responsible. We've had many memories. And they were special.

I think I may have fallen for him, I think he may have known it but never picked interest. Maybe I wasn't good enough. Maybe I'm not his type of girl.

Lots of things happened actually...but the bottom line is he didn't like me. He dated another girl/s during that time. And I was not brooding over it. Maybe he's not the one for me. I have learned to accept that.

Because at the end of the day, it's still you I was hoping I'd walk the aisle with.



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