Chapter 1 | One Year Later

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       'Sol!' Erik shouted from the couch in our apartment. I was finishing up some editing for a new article I was releasing for Borussia Dortmund. After the fiasco in Madrid my head was spinning and a few days later I got a job offer in Germany. Of course the guys begged me not to leave but I needed some space from more heartbreak threatening to come loose. I've been here for almost a year, met the beautiful Erik Durm, we started as close friends and now we're a couple. Of course things have been hard with traveling and such but I mostly travel to because I work for the team now. I kept tabs on my boys back in Madrid and we spoke regularly but it was different now. I had new friends, new boys, and a new place to call home. As for Marco, I haven't spoken to him since the day I left and all I said was bye.
      'Yes my love.' I said smiling as I entered the living room.
      'Want to go out for dinner tonight?' He smiled kissing my forehead making me melt.
     'I would love to. I'm going to get ready okay?' I pecked his lips and walked upstairs. Once I was done I took a quick look in the mirror and head down to where he was. He was in a nice tux so I knew it was a fancy dinner.
    'You look amazing.' I said smiling and he reciprocated the comment. We made our way to a nice little restaurant in the center of Dortmund. I still spoke rough german so I never ordered myself which was a hassle. Erik was shy when we met, he only approached me once to pass the ball back to them. We had lived a few blocks from each other and when we discovered that we began walking home together and what not. That's when I realized I needed to move on and Erik was good for me. He was kind, caring, loving, and gorgeous.
   'Babe, what will you have?' He smiled snapping me out of my thoughts. I pointed to the menu and the waiter smiled as he head back to the kitchen.
    'You seem off. What's wrong?' He said worried brushing his hand over mine.
   'It's uh nothing. Just tired from the work.' I smiled brushing it off. I was feeling weird but if I told Erik he'd make a fuss and I wanted to stay out.
   'So, our next match in Champions league is versus Real Madrid at our stadium. If you don't want to go it's fine I just wanted to let you know.' He smiled awkwardly and I laughed a bit.
   'No of course I want to go. I haven't seen my cousin in over a year, and I miss him you know.' I said reassuring him and he smiled contently. Then I turned my neck just a little bit and caught his eye. I could tell it was him just from the way his eyes were twinkling in just an ever so slightly way. Asensio. My breath hitched in my throat and I looked back at Erik.
    'So how's training been, I haven't gone in the past few days.' I smiled pretending I didn't notice Marco staring and squinting to make sure it was really me. I felt chills down my spine and everything was rushing back. The heartbreak, the stupidity of having waited to admit my feelings, and even worse the butterflies erupted in my stomach. I couldn't do this, I loved Erik. Didn't I? I felt the tears start to form in my eyes as Erik was telling me a story from practice and laughing a little. His laugh was so cute but I couldn't focus I was caught in my own thoughts. I turned my neck again and there he was, staring with a killer smile.
     'I have to use the bathroom.' I said abruptly making Erik jump a bit.
    'Is something wrong ? Are you okay?' He asked worriedly but I ran to the bathroom. Once in a stall I let the tears fall onto my lap. It's been a year and I still couldn't get over this stupid boy who probably forgot about me the day I left.
    'Hello?' A voice rang out and my heart sunk into my stomach. It's the women's bathroom what is wrong with him. I adjusted myself and tried to make it seem like I wasn't crying.
    'Sol are you in here ?' He asked again and I felt the tears come but I brushed them away quickly as I stepped out.
    'What?' I said biting back a cry.
    'It's really you wow. You look amazing, it's been so long.' Marco smiled trying to hug me but I stepped back.
    'What are you doing?' I spat.
    'Sol, I'm sorry for what happened and I know I led you on and it was wrong but hear me out. Angie was an on and off girlfriend of mine since we were sixteen, it was hard for me to let go. Once you left Madrid I saw the toll the relationship was taking on my life and it was toxic. I missed you and I still miss you can't you see that.' He said stepping forward again but I moved back. I kept repeating Erik's name in my head.
    'I-I missed you too but i've moved on. You hurt me and I can't just forgive you so easily. I know it's been a year but you didn't even try to stay in contact.' I said pushing him back a bit.
    'Sol, I was stupid for not telling you how I felt and even more stupid for not trying to make you stay. You changed my life and I want you to give me a chance please.' He brushed my hair behind my ear and if it wasn't for a knock on the door I might've fallen into his trap and hurt Erik, which I never intended to do.
    'Sol, babe, are you okay? I'm worried and the food will get cold.' I heard Erik's calm voice through the door making my heart a bit more stable.
    'Erik?' He whispered and I felt another tear fall but I wiped it quickly.
    'I'm sorry Marco, you're too late.' I brushed passed him and out of the door where Erik was smiling at me but quickly dropped it when he saw my red eyes.
    'Let's go home okay? I saw him too but I think he's in the bathroom or something.' Erik said putting his arm around me making me giggle. I still have feelings for Marco but what can I do? I love Erik now and my job is here.

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