Chapter 3 | We Need To Talk

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      'How was the dinner?' Erik asked me as he made some quick breakfast for us before he went to practice.
      'It was good, James drove me home.' I said drinking some orange juice he had poured.

     'That's good. It wasn't awkward or anything ?' He raised his eyebrows and I shrugged my shoulders.

    'A little but it felt nice catching up with everyone even Marco.' I smiled and he made a confused face.

      'Well alright.' He went back to making the food and I could see he was tensed.

      'What's wrong?'

      'It's nothing okay?' He said with his back turned to me making my stomach feel queasy. Erik was rarely mad at me, because even though I was the one usually messing up he would always forgive me.

     'Erik please talk to me.' I said getting up and hopping on the counter to sit next to him while he cooked.

     'Look, Sol, I love you, I really do, but this is restless. One day you love me too and then Marco shows up and you're being weird. You ran to the bathroom at dinner the other night, you come home turning red when you say his name. I just don't know what to do okay?' He sighed placing the food in plates then looking at me. The hurt in his eyes broke my heart and I didn't want to hurt him. I didn't say anything and he just sighed deeply before putting his plate in the fridge.

     'I'll eat later, I have to go.' He stated rushing out of the house leaving me there crying in my hands. I couldn't believe I was actually messing everything up for myself. I always knew me and Erik wouldn't last because he was too good, too pure of heart for me. I dialed the one person I knew was still here and a friend at most.

    'Hey.' I sighed into the phone and there was laughing on the other line.

   'Hey, whats up?' Marcelo laughed but stopped when he heard my sniffling.

    'Who is it?' I heard Marcos voice and I started crying all over again.

    'Cala-te. Sol what's happening? Are you okay?' He responded to me and I tried to stop crying to speak.

    'I think i'm going to leave Erik and go back to Madrid. I'm so scared Marcy, he's so mad at me because of Marco.' I sighed and he just sighed.

   'Cris, James, vamos. We'll be right there.' He said before he hung up and I ate some food with tears down my face. I was a hot mess literally and I didn't want anyone to see me but they were already on the way.

    'Sol.' Cris pulled me into a hug as I opened the door for them. They all joined in and I let them in explaining what happened this morning.

    'As much as I would love for you to come back to Madrid, isn't that a little to crazy for one fight?' Cris said touching his temple with two fingers.

   'I don't know. He's never done that before.' I said trying not to cry. They nodded and tried to come up with solutions but there weren't any. I couldn't keep suppressing my feelings for Marco and I couldn't keep hurting Erik.
    'I'm going to leave, when do you guys go back?' I said and they were a bit shocked.

    'Sol?' James asked to make sure what he heard was right.

    'Yes.' I said confidently and they just nodded.

     'We go back tomorrow actually, you can stay at my place until you get somewhere to go.' Cris smiled and I thanked him endlessly. Once they left Erik was just arriving. He looked upset and I knew why but it hurt just as much.

    'We need to talk.' He said looking down then sitting on the couch.
     'I know.' I smiled through the tears threatening to spill. I lifted his head up to face me and he gave me a weak smile.

    'We were the most badass couple Sol, and I've never felt more loved and in love my whole life until I met you. I'm just not sure we have a future after this.' He sighed and I let my tears drop because I didn't want to let him go.

    'I know.' I said barely audible and he wiped my tears and pulled me into a long tight hug. I cried into his chest and he soothed me while he was crying too. After about five minutes of silence we pulled apart and we kissed one last time.

    'You're going to find someone who's going to love you and only you forever.' I kissed his forehead and he smiled.

     'I love you always.' He said and I said it back before going to the guest room and making myself comfortable. I bought a ticket for Madrid in two days and fell asleep excited but sad for the future.

Two Days Laters

      'We're going to miss you so much Sol.' Raphael said with tears in his eyes as he hugged me at the airport. Aubameyang sighed and joined in the hug too and then Marc. Soon enough all the boys that game to bid me goodbye were in the hug and people were staring at the crying group of people. I laughed as they pulled away and they stood there holding back tears.

    'Guerreiro, don't be such a smart ass. Pulisic, i'm sorry you're the only American left. Auba, don't stop smiling. Reus, keep being a lady killer.' I said going down the line of guys before I got to Erik. He had tears down his face and I was a blubbering mess.

    'Erik, don't stop caring and loving and being a soft boy that I love. Always.' I smiled and he hugged me tightly then kissing my forehead as we pulled apart. I waved the boys good bye as I walked through security. I collected myself as I sat down in my seat after going through the usual procedures and fell asleep. The flight was four hours and a half and I slept through the whole thing. Once I got to Madrid five special boys were waiting and my heart felt home again. After a year I was back, Madrid welcomed me with open arms.

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