Chapter One

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A/N: This is a Sam and Colby fanfic however in this fanfic Sam is portrayed as a female due to the fact that I wanted a male and female bestfriend type of thing, but I didn't want to add charaters that didn't exist. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy!

~Novella Rose

Chapter One : Running late

"Colby! Have you seen my hoodie!" I yelled wrapping colby's jacket around my underwear clad body.

"Which one, you have like twelve of them?" Colby replied turning the corner to enter my room.

"Don't come in here!" I exclaimed attempting to cover my bare legs.

"Oh my God." Colby huffed sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"We have been friends since ninth grade Sam."

"Doesn't change the fact that I'm a girl and I'm running late!"

Colby rolled his eyes again closing the door with a muffled "whatever." As he walked off.

I shook my head, blowing my breath and gave up on the hoodie, buttoning Colby's jacket and settled on a pair of ripped jeans.

My gaze haulted on the mirror before I fell back onto the bed lacing up my black and white sneakers.

"Sam come on! Five more minutes and I'm leaving you!"

It was my turn to roll my eyes. I finished tying my shoes and pulled the cuff of my skinny jeans over my shoe laces.


"Damn it Colby I'm coming!" I screamed walking out of my room and slamming the door behind me.

"There she is!" Colby greeted me cheerily with the camera in my face. "In my jacket no less."

"Shut up." I sneered biting my lip to hide the smile threatening to peak through.

"You shut up meanie , wear your own clothes." Colby retorted, faking a soft pout.

I pursed my lips in annoyance.

"Come on Sam smile it'll be so much prettier for your pictures." Colby smiled batting his eyelashes.

Finally I couldn't hold it back anymore and Colby and I both burst out laughing.

"Come on dork." I laughed pulling colby's hand until we reached the parking lot outside of the apartment.

"Fine, but I'm driving." Colby announced playing with the settings on the camera.

"It would probably just be closer to walk wouldn't it?" I asked looking towards the road as the wind blew in my hair.

Colby shrugged, "less traffic probably, but I don't care it's whatever you want to do?"

I smiled taking his sleeve, "let's walk then."

Colby nodded, "Fine with me."

I followed him still hanging onto the sleeve of his... "Wait a minute is that my hoodie?"

Colby grinned, "No way, this one is mine remember we had matching ones?"

"Colby. It says Sam on the front." I replied cutting my eyes at him.

"Well I suppose it does," He smiled looking down at the hoodie. "But it took you long enough to notice."

I nodded, "Fair enough I just think it's funny how you watched me look for it for ten minutes."

"I did not." Colby protested. "I listened, to you look for it for ten minutes, you kicked me out of your room remember." I rolled my eyes at the accentuated "remember" at the end.

"I wasn't decent!" I retorted crossing my arms.

"Well you never are." Colby teased looking down at me. "Besides it's all good you stole mine too, so we're even."

"Whatever." I growled, smiling at him again. "I hate you."

Colby exhaled loudly the smile never leaving his face. "You love me. And we're gonna be so late."

I sighed. Tracing the blue of his Irises with my own all the way down to his dimple.

"I hope not, this photo shoot is pretty important."

"It's fine we'll be there, we might be a minute late, but it'll be fine."

I nodded feeling my phone as it vibrated on my pocket.

"Who's that?" Colby asked curiously as we rounded the last corner before we reached the venue.

"It's Brennen, he asked if we wanted to meet him later after the meet and greet."

I replied twisting my ring around my finger.

"What time is it over?"

"I'm not sure. The photo shoot starts at ten, then we have the meet and greet until four, I'm just gonna tell him we'll meet him around five. Maybe get something to eat? What do you think?"

"That should be fine, Shea is supposed to come over sometime tonight."

I grinned, "Uh oh, look at you being all cool about your date."

Colby rolled his eyes. "For your information, it is not a date and we are just friends."

"Yeah, and I'm Circa. Woof. Nice to meet you." I teased sarcastically.

"Why you gotta be like that, you're a girl and we're friends." Colby added as we began to climb the steps to the event hall.

"That is totally different." I stated pursing my lips together.

"No Sam it's really not," Colby laughed holding the door for me as we crossed into the air conditioning.

I grinned, "We'll finish this discussion later."

"Where have you guys been! See this is exactly why we need to have the mansion stuff straightened out ASAP. We've been looking for you guys for the passed fifteen minutes." Corey scolded us feigning his actual seriousness.

Colby and I looked at eachother suppressing a smile as we followed him close behind into a giant well lit room full of umbrella lights and camera equiptment.

"Colby baby! Where have you been hurry up and get over there! Let's make some magic everyone !" The photographer yelled clapping his hands together for everyone to take their places.

Colby winked at me as he smoothely pulled the hoodie over his head and tossed it to me.

I rolled my eyes catching it as I watched Colby, totally in his element. In front of the camera. Some how I had zoned out somewhere in the middle of the costume changes and different poses so much so, that I barely heard the photographer call my name. He could be a model if he wanted to.

"Sammy baby come on we haven't got all day!" Renaldo, the photographer called again.

I placed the hoodie and the camera that we used for vlogging onto the chair next to me, and proceeded to make my way into the shot.

"Good, good both of my beauties are situated. Now Colby I want you to place your hand on Sam's cheek and look into her soul, breath her in make love to the very essence of her with your eyes."

Colby's hand caressed my cheek, but as soon as we made eye contact we both knew it was over. We both burst out laughing until our sides hurt. We tried the same pose again and to no one's surprise it ended exactly like the first with Colby and I both unprofessionally and unceremoniously collapsed on the floor.

Renaldo rolled his eyes, clearly becoming impatient.

"Let's try this one more time shall we."

Colby and I nodded as his hand gripped my cheek again, but this time when our eyes met the look he gave me was nothing like he ever had before. The laughter in his eyes had disappeared without a trace. All of the amusement we had felt had fled entirely, and was instead replaced by the menacing passion, brooding in the magic seas of his deep blue eyes.That for the first time ever led me to wonder how deep the seas truly were. His gaze was one of passion, love, and heat all the way up until Renaldo said cut.

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