Chapter 18

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Sam's POV:

"I love him. I love him more than I have ever loved anything." I decided, as my eyes drifted lazily to meet the ceiling above us.

Colby laid beside me sleeping peacefully, with one of his arms draped around me and the other resting underneath the cool side of his pillow.

His hair was a mess, with parts of it sticking up all over his head. I tried to smooth them gently. Careful not to wake him, he was too perfect like this. Peaceful and honest. I turned my bare body to face him as the cool air of his room caressed my exposed back. I pulled the blanket around me tighter curling into the shape of him. His heart beat thumping steadily under the palm of my hand. I bit my lip to stifle a giggle as I surveyed the scratches adorning the muscles of his back.
I traced them with my fingers softly and blushed at the memory of the night before.

This time was different than the time before, it was just as perfect, however this time our bodies danced to the tune of a beautiful ballet, rather than a limerick being caught in the rain. Our bodies giving and receiving, systematically mending our hearts into one.
I traced his dimples and the bridge of his nose under my finger absent mindedly. I could lay here in his arms forever.

I looked up as the sound of Colby's phone rang muffled against the sheet it was laying on.

"Colby?" I whispered softly, moving his hair out of his face.

Colby stirred softly, but I figured it was entirely pointless considering he was the heaviest sleeper in existence.

I shrugged, wrapping my arms around Colby's neck and kissed his cheek all the way down to his collar bone.

Colby moaned sleepily sitting up on his elbow.

I grinned biting my lip.

Colby smiled messing up his hair even worse.

I sighed melting into him as he wrapped his arms around me again kissing my shoulder.

"How'd you sleep beautiful?" He whispered sleepily resting his chin on my shoulder.

I grinned against him nipping at his arm playfully. "Fine. What about you?"

Colby groaned, pulling me closer. "I think I sleep better with you in my bed." He teased.

"Shut up." I scoffed hitting him in the chest.

He laughed pulling me closer as I pushed his away stifling a laugh of my own.

"Colby!" I yelled hitting him over the head with a pillow as he pulled both of us back under the covers.

We both laughed as I scooted closer finally giving in .

Colby smiled against my skin pressing a chaste kiss on the side of my neck.

I smiled pressing myself further into his arms.

"Sam! Colby! The door was unlocked so we just-"  Colby's door swung open, revealing a slightly disheveled and highly confused Corey and Elton. Corey's voice trailed off as he saw us, both of pairs of eyes widening.

I sat up as panic gripped my body, pulling the blanket up to my shoulders. Colby's gaze turned to me as Elton's hand graced the door knob, pulling the door shut behind them.

Colby and I stared at each other, each of us afraid to speak.
"Sam I'm sorry." He said finally in one gush of air.

I shook my head, "Don't be this isn't your fault."

Colby nodded, "I know it's just-"

"What do we tell them?" I interrupted him.

Colby shrugged. "Something tells me we won't have to say much."

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