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Recap: They finally walked in. "Alright since Sue decided to put cheerleading Regionals on the same night as the championship game, all of you are going to perform at halftime instead." He smiled at us. Everyone was quiet in shocked to the point you can hear a pin drop.

"No, freaking way." Kyle yelled.

Brooklyn POV

"We don't have a choice. Sue pulled the Cheerios from the game, so if we don't do it, there's no halftime show." Mr. Jackson stood by Coach Beiste with his hands on his hips, smiling at her.

"And this is a problem because?" Justin questioned. Is he serious? The problem is that we have to perform with the same people who bullied and threw slushies at us.

"It's not a problem. It's an opportunity." Coach Beiste said trying to reason with all of us.

"Opportunity to humiliate ourselves." Blake said.

"Hey. The whole point of this week was to bring you guys together. To bring the school together."

"Wait. So you want us to play the first half change into some 'sequeen' ball gowns and then go out and do the halftime show at our own championship game?" John said looking us like we were crazy.

"Yes." Coach Beiste said simply.

"It's the championship game! This is crazy town! This is crazy." John started to yell. I think we all know. You don't to yell about every 5 seconds. Like serious that's all he is complaining about. And it gets really annoying fast.

"What about the Cheerios in Glee Club?" Cory said over the yelling football players.

"They have a choice. Us, or the Cheerios competition." Mr. Jackson answered.

"Well, obviously Kylie is gonna choose the Cheerios." I said looking at her. She turns around like she going to say something.

"Well, that's not fair. You don't know what she's gonna do." Cory quickly says before Kylie can say something. Of course, he is on her side and not in mine. Even though we are not dating anymore.

"I think the cheerleading competition is going to be a lot of fun but if you go, you're gonna miss out on us doing the most iconic song of all time. The Super Bowl of pop anthems... 'Thriller'," the New Directions started to cheer, "remember a few years ago when that Philippines prison did that mega performance of 'Thriller' and put it on YouTube? Now, in the four months, it took to rehearse that number prisoner-on-prisoner crime dropped 80%. Doing that together, as a team created a unity within that prison. And that's what I'm looking to do here." Mr. Jackson said as he walked around the classroom.

"I mean, don't get me wrong Mr. Jackson. You know, I'm big on Michael and everything but isn't that kind of what they're expecting us to do?" Amber asked Mr. Jackson.

"Which is why we're gonna mash it together with the Yeah Yeah Yeah's equally spooky single 'Heads Will  Roll'." I got really excited. We got to perform during the halftime show at our championship game.

"Who is Yeah Yeah Yeah?" I hear John say. You gotta be kidding me. How does his life get so turned upside down to the point he doesn't who Yeah Yeah Yeah is.

"New Directions, Titans we're going to zombie camp." Coach Beiste smirked at us.


Do you know how hard it is do homework when you are next door to your brother's room. His best friend and him are yelling while playing video games? It is not easy. I put the volume all the way up on the video I had to watch for Economics. I watch it for five minutes and I could barely hear anything.

I grab two pillows off my bed and walked out of my room. I turned to Blake's room and swung open the door, throwing the pillow at both of them.

"Would you two shut up. I'm trying to finish my homework and I can't concentrate. If I do not great a good grade on this I will make sure to your life a living hell," I yelled at them, "so I advise you two be quiet. Got it." They nodded their looking at me like I told them that murdered someone.

"Thank you." I slammed Blake's door closed, walked into my room, and finished my homework in peace and quiet. Ryan ended up leave cause his dad called him. Don't think that I stalk him. He put the phone on speaker and I could hear them talking when I was doing the writing portion of the homework.

After I finished my homework I hear someone at the front door. I look at the time on my phone. It is 8:30. I go downstairs just in time to see mom walk into the house with bags of groceries.

"Hi mom, how is Vocal Adrenaline practice going?" I said while giving her a hug.

"I'm not telling anything, my mouth is shut. You'll see at Regionals." She says as grabbed some bags from her arm.

"I'll get it out of you soon enough. Well I'm going to tell you what happened at Glee Club because it is important." I told her as we walked into the kitchen.


"The Titans and New Directions are performing at the championship game. Coach Sylvester decided to move the cheerleading regionals the same night as the championship game so there will be no Cheerios. Which is why we get to perform." I said as I sat on the counter.

"So what is Madison gonna do about this." She knows that Madison is apart of the Cheerios.

"I hope does pick us, but then she will be kicked off the Cheerios. If she picks the Cheerios then she is off New Directions. So it is entirely up her and I won't pressure her into picking Glee Club. But I want her to pick Pick Glee over Cheerios." I tell my mom.

_-_-_-_-_-End of Halftime_-_-_-_-_-

Who do you think Madison will choose: Glee Club or the Cheerios? Answer in the comments.

Until next time...

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