Chapter Two

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Daniel Bryan's music hit first. He went down the ramp leading a bunch of yes chants as Lilian introduced him. Then The Uso's. Then The Bella's, who got booed out of the building. Then an unfamiliar theme hit.

Sierra. Hotel. India. Echo. Lima. Delta. SHIELD.

The camera was on three men as they walked through the crowd. I recognized them as the asswholes I bumped into earlier. Two tones and the guy I bumped into earlier walked down one side, while sleeve tattoo walked down the other. I listened as Lillian introduced them.

"And their opponents, weighing in at a combined weight of 707 pounds, the team of Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, and The United States Champion Dean Ambrose, The SHIELD!" They got a mixed reaction from the crowd. They jumped over the barricade and grouped together. They all glared over at their opponents, who were now outside of the ring, in front of the announcers table. The Shield got in the ring and waited as Aj's music hit.

Aj came skipping down the ramp and slid into the ring as Lillian introduced her. Usually she'd have Tamina with her, but not tonight.

Daniel, Jimmy, and Brie got on the apron while Jey slid into the ring. Nikki stayed on their side of the ring, the side of the ramp. Two tones, Seth, I think, got into the ring. The ref rung the bell and they locked up.

*Skip to my part (Sorry, I'm not good at writing matches.)*

1... 2..

The ref went to put his hand down for the 3rd time when Roman kicked out. Jimmy thought he had the 3 count, so he started arguing with the ref.

I realized it was about time for me to go out. I stood up and started stretching while keeping my eyes on the tv.

Roman got up and went to the other corner on his side of the ring. He stomped his hand to the ground signaling the Superman Punch. Aj got the refs attention, making Jimmy groan in frustration. He turned around just in time to be hit with the Superman Punch. Aj went back to her corner as he was about to go for the pin. He suddenly looked over at Aj, as if only realizing Aj had yet to be tagged in. He looked around the ring.

Dean was kicking Daniel, using his own move against him. Seth was having a verbal fight with Jey. Nikki and Brie were talking, as if planning what to do.

Roman went over to Aj and tagged her. I took this as my que to go to the gorilla. When I got there I peeked through the curtain, making sure I couldn't be caught.

Aj had Brie in the Black Widow. Brie was about to tap when Daniel got in the ring and broke it up. The ref yelled at Daniel to get out of the ring, but he refused. Brie clothes lined Aj and slid out of the ring and Nikki slid in. They just used Twin Magic. That was my que.

I ran out past the curtain and down the ramp. The crowd was confused and the commentators kept asking who the hell I was and what I was doing here. I slid into the ring and grabbed Nikki's arm. She turned around, confused. She started yelling at me.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU? WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING OUT HERE? WH-" I cut her off as I grabbed her hair, making her yelp.

I threw her down on the mat and punched her. Punch, after punch, after punch. The ref rang the bell, stating that Bries team won from disqualification, then quickly ran out of the ring.I picked her up and whipped her into the ropes. As she came back I hit her with a back breaking spear. I went to Aj's corner and went to the top rope, doing a moon sault, landing perfectly. I picked her up and wrapped her legs around my neck. I power-bombed her. I stood over her.

The crowd and the commentators were going crazy. Even though I was a heel, the crowd was cheering. I looked around the ring. Aj had Brie knocked out. Daniel and the Uso's where at the tip of the ramp, jaws dropped. The Shield was standing next to Aj, jaws dropped also. Aj had a huge smirk on her face as she shouted at me.

"BLACK WIDOW!" I smirked as JBL was screaming no, while Cole, King, and the crowd where chanting yes.

"OH SHUT UP JBL!" I screamed over at him very loudly, trying to make sure everyone heard me over the loud crowd. I looked over at Nikki smirking.

I picked her up her up and made her stand without falling, which was pretty hard. She looked confused. Like she didn't know where she was. I jumped on her and put her in the Black Widow. Aj taught me how to do it quickly right after we left Vince's office, so I did it perfectly.

Nikki immediately started tapping, but I wouldn't let go. After about a minute I decided to finally let her go. She fell to the ground and obviously passed out. I stood over, smirking as Aj and Dean grabbed their titles, then slid into the ring along with Seth and Roman.

Dean put his fist out, then Seth, Then Roman, then Aj, then I did too. The crowd cheered. Aj grabbed my hand and we slid under the bottom rope. Aj's music hit and we both smirked and skipped down the ramp, through the curtain.

"That was amazing!" She exclaimed, hugging me.

"Haha, thank you!"

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