Chapter Three

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I sighed as I walked with Aj into the hotel we were staying at. After I debuted I had a lot of people coming up to me and congratulating me and complementing me. I don't mind it, but I want to rest, not have a million people coming up to me. Another thing you'd think I'd be used to by now.

Aj got her key card and I got mine.

"What room number are you?" I asked her.

"484. You?" I groaned.


"Damn. At least we're just across the hall from each other."


We walked with each other to the elevator. She pressed the button and we waited. Once the elevator opened we stepped on. 

"So, you crushing on anybody yet?" Aj asked.

"Nope." I said, shaking my head.

"Are you sure? I saw you eyeing up Roman when we were in the ring." Oh god. 

"I was not!" I claimed defensively.

"Yes you were!"

"Was not!"

"Were too!" It went on like this until the elevator FINALLY dinged. The elevator doors opened to reveal Emma. 

"Emma! Tell me Kaitlynn was not staring at Roman in the ring!" Aj yelled as soon as we walked out. I groaned.

"She was." Emma smirked.

"Fucking traitor!"

"You were!"

"Ugh. Shut up. They're my eyes, I know what I was staring at."

"Whatever you say." Emma and Aj said in synch.

"Ugh." I groaned and walked toward my room.

"Ay, bitch! Why you moving without me?" Aj screamed as she ran to catch up with me.

"Because you're annoying me." Aj laughed. We turned to eachother as we got to our rooms.

"See ya later." I said as I pulled her in for a hug.

"See ya." She pulled away and walked across the hall to her room.

I got my keycard out and put it in the door thingy. The thing clicked as I put the card back into my purse and grabbed my bags. I walked in and closed the door. I looked over and saw 3 men on the couch looking at me. I groaned as I realized who it was.

Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns 

They all smirked at me.

"Hello, sweetheart." Dean greeted.

"Don't call me that." I said as I walked over to the beds. "Why is there only three?" 

"Well, honey, you either get the couch or you share with one of us." Seth smirked at me and I rolled my eyes.

"I'll take the couch." I sat on the floor since there is no more room on the couch at the moment. 

Why the fuck do I have to share a room with these 3 morons? I groaned at the thought.

"You know baby girl, if you keep groaning like that your innocence might not be so safe." Roman said as all three of them stood up, smirks still on their faces. Do they ever get tired of smirking?

I glared at them and stood up, grabbing my purse and walking towards the door. 

"And where do you think you're going, sweetheart?" Dean asked, walking towards me. 

"Okay assholes, I have a fucking name. It's Kaitlynn. Not any of that bullshit. And you don't fucking need to know where I'm going." Within a split second of saying that I was pushed up against the wall with my hands being held above my head. I looked up and saw Roman.

"Listen here baby girl;" he whispered into my ear. "You will tell us where you are going or we will have to punish you." I shuddered. He clearly felt it and smirked, AGAIN.

"T-to AJ's h-hotel r-room." I stuttered out.

They all smirked, but my eyes were stuck on Roman as he pulled back. I stared into his eyes. Those eyes. They look just like his.

No! It can't be!

"Leati." I mumbled out.

They all stared at me in confusion.

"What?" Roman asked, making my eyes go wide. 

No! I quickly grabbed my purse off of the ground and ran to the door. I opened it and ran out to Aj's room. I knocked as hard as I could as tears started to flow from eyes and memories ran through my head. Aj opened the door and looked at me. Her eyes widened as she pulled me into her room and closed her door and locking it. She motioned for me to sit on her  bed. It looks like she gets to room by herself. Lucky. I sat down and she sat next to me and held me. 

"Whos ass do I need to kick?" She questioned, concerned. "What's wrong?" She added.

"I'm rooming with The Shield." I choked out. She looked at me, confused as to why I was crying.

"Want me to explain from the begining?" 

"If you want."

"Back when I was 9 I was at a friends house watching WWF. My parents were on their way to pick me up. I was supposed to  stay at her house, but I wasn't feeling well. Suddenely her mom walked in. She looked really sad. She looked at me and said

"Kaitlynn, sweety, your parents were in a car accident. A drunk driver hit there car head on. They didn't make it."

I was sent to live with my aunt in Pensacula. When I went to school everyone seemed to know exactly what had happened. They all said my parents death was my fault. That if I hadn't been such a pussy and gotten over being sick they never would have died. I believed them.

I was being bullied badly. But I stopped letting it get to me. Except for when this one guy did it. He was an absolute dick, yet I still had a huge crush on him.  His name was Leati Joesph Anoa'i." Realization hit Aj's face as I paused. I was bawling by now.

"Roman?" She asked and I nodded. "Shh! It's okay. You don't have to go on." She consuled me.

"No. It's fine." I sniffled.

"Anyways, he called me horrible names. Said horrible things about my parents death. Spread horrible, untrue rumors about me. He even got other girls to beat me up. I hated it. Yet I couldn't help but to fall in love with him. In late 2003 I got an email from Larry Rudolph, Britney Spears' manager. He wanted me to be a backup dancer and singer for Britney. I took up on the offer since I was almost 18. I was finally getting away from hell." I went on for over another hour explaining everything up until I knocked on her door.  I was bawling by the time I finished.

"I-I'm so sorry!" She stuttered as tears fell down her face. She hugged me and I hugged her back. We sat there and cryed in eachothers arms. We soon ended up falling asleep like that.

*I'm sorry this took so long! This is shit, I know. I hope you enjoyed it though! Sorry for any spelling mistakes. Spell check is being and ass and does not want to wok for me right now.*

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