*Chapter 19*

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/unedited cause I'm lazy/

"Holy shit." Was the only thing Chan could manage to say when he saw the huge house in front of him.

After they very impatiently sat through the car ride they were amazed by the sight in front of him. The house was practically a mansion!

Soonyoung chuckled lightly at the boys' awestruck faces, causing Chan to point an accusing finger at him.

"Are you fucking rich or something?!" He asked in disbelief, Jisoo frowning slightly at the bad language.

Soonyoung shrugged and nodded his head. "My parents own this really big company so my family is literally loaded. Honestly how else do you think the thirteen of us are able to pay taxes, live in that giant house, and pay for food and other necessary supplies?"

Chan's mouth dropped as the realization hit him. He never noticed any of those things, but now everything the older was saying made perfect sense.

"Wait," he started, hesitant to continue his sentence, "you pay for everything in the house?" He whispered out, disbelief present in his voice.


After the response, Soonyoung turned and walked toward the cars to help get their luggage into the house.

Chan however, just stood there, still not processing what his ears had heard.

Jisoo shook his head and smiled at the younger as he walked to the entrance and entered the large home.

A/n: filler chapter but next chapters gonna be good, lots of drama and angst cause why not :)

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