*Chapter 33*

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Bold = English

When Jisoo had awoken, the first thing he noticed was the faces of his friends scattered around the room. The second thing was how empty he felt as he glanced at Jeonghan.

It was confusing to him, wasn't he supposed to be better now? Why does it still hurt?

He almost found himself getting upset over the fact that Jeonghan, tried nothing to stop the surgery. But he didn't. He couldn't. He simply didn't yearn for the boy anymore. All he felt was empty numbness while staring at him.

He slowly pushed himself upward, gathering the attention of the others in the room. They rushed to his side with worried expressions sealed on their faces.

"Guys calm down, I'm fine." He said, a small smile beginning to form on his lips.

"You promise you're alright?" Hansol asked in English, giving the older a sense of familiarity and fondness.

"I promise, Hansol. In all honesty though, I feel kind of empty now, like there's a hole in my heart. I'm not in love with Jeonghan anymore, but I still feel broken and I don't know why." The older confessed in a small whisper, staring down at his lap the entire time.

Hansol nodded slightly, and moved to sit next to the boy, who laid his head upon his shoulder.

The others, despite being unable to understand the conversation, knew that the two were having a moment and slowly left the room. Soonyoung was the last one to exit the room and gave Hansol a sharp almost warning glance. As if he was challenging him to hurt the small boy.

The boys sat there for a while, hands clasped together tightly and Jisoo resting against Hansol.

"This kind of thing will take some time y'know," Hansol whispered out, "it's gonna be hard, but I promise I'll be there for you through all of it."

Tears fell down Jisoo's face, as he knew the hole in his heart wouldn't be filled for a long while.

Dying Roses (ChanCheol, JiHan)Where stories live. Discover now