twelve (surprise)

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I plopped down on my bed after a long and tiring day. Sparring with dragons is not as fun as it sounds.

"Princess, dinner is ready," a pink haired maid said. "I'll be down soon Virgo!!" I replied.

I stood up and brushed my wild and frizzy hair then tied it into a high ponytail. After changing and making myself look a little more presentable, I made my way down to the dining room. It wasn't surprising that everyone else was already there. I sat down at the other end of the long dining table, across from mama and began to dig in to my steak and veggies.

"So Lucy, how is training so far?" Mama asked.

"It's going great so far," I replied.

"Indeed, she is becoming very strong," Igneel added.

After a couple of years of training and living here, I've definitely gotten stronger. And skinnier, which is a plus.

"Do you think she is ready?" mama asked.

"I think so," Grandeeny replied.

"Ready for what?" I asked.

"Rest up. You shall find out tomorrow," Mama said.

I woke up the next morning to the sound of my alarm, the sun's golden rays illuminating my room. "Good morningg," I yawned to myself.

After washing up and getting dressed, I sat down by my desk and started brushing my shiny blonde locks.

"Princess, breakfast is ready," Virgo said.

"I'll be down in a minute!" I answered with a smile.

After tying my hair into two pigtails, I made my way to the dinning hall.

While chomping down on my waffles mama asked, "Lucy, I know that you have been training for the past few months with all the other dragons and I love that you are comfortable here and find this place your home. However, don't you think it's time to go back to Fiore?"

I froze. Going back there? Sure, I do miss my old apartment and the bustling city but there is also a chance that I might bump into them. Fiore isn't that big, so it's definitely plausible.

"I love living here. Why would I ever want to go back there?" I reply.

"I know, and I love that you love it here but I think it's time to go back. You are so much stronger now and seeing my baby grow and learn makes me so happy but there is something dangerous lurking around Fiore and I think this is the perfect opportunity to test out your new skills," mama said.

"A danger?," Lucy asked curiously.

"Yes. We are afraid it may hurt your friends and innocent people."

Innocent people? Sure, I'll save them but "friends"? no thanks.

I turned the key and opened the door. Taking a deep breath, I took in the sight of my oh so familiar apartment.

I placed my luggage case in the corner of my room and grabbed my precious keys from my desk. As I put on a black coat and headed out into the beautiful land of Fiore, I muttered, "Time to show their asses who the weak one really is."

As I pushed the doors open, members, new and old, started to stare. Whispers flooded the room.

"Helloo Fairy Tail," I smugly said. "Long time no see."

"Just who are you, you punk?" A familiar voice yelled.

My laughter echoed through the guild. A sly grin appeared on my face as I said, "Why don't you come find out?"

okay. so i know i said that i wouldn't finish this but i re read the story and suddenly got the urge to continue. im sorry. (not rly)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2017 ⏰

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