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~Part 1~

"A ball? The last one didn't go so well for us." I scoffed.

"Yes, but this one is for quite a different reason." Granny Relda says.

"So it's not a fundraiser for a greedy mayor?" I ask sarcastically.

"Charming and Ms.White are gonna get married!" Daphne blurts out.

I give my sister a double take. "I thought it was a ball, not a wedding."

"It is a ball, and they aren't getting married." Granny clarifies. "Yet. He's going to propose to her at the ball."

"And she's gonna say yes, and they're gonna get married, and-" She bites down on her palm, a habit she still has at 12. 

"Do I really have to go? Fancy party things like this aren't my thing."

"Sabrina," Granny purses her lips, "You are going to a ball, where there will be a literal fairy tale proposal. Most girls your age would love to go."

"Well most other girls my age are hopeless romantics who dream of a fairy tale prince to come and take them away." I cross my arms. "Well I've met some fairy tale princes and I've gotta say, I'm disappointed." 

"C'mon Sabrina!" Daphne gives me her puppy dog eyes. 

I try to keep a straight face, but can't help but smile. "Fine. But I don't have to dress up, do I?"

"It's a ball Sabrina." Daphne says as she turns. "Of course you do." She starts to skip away.

I groan.

"Don't worry, leibling. I've got something that'll make it much easier." Granny winks.

* * * * *

"But I thought you weren't supposed to go straight to magic." Daphne asks, voicing the thought that's in both of our heads.

It was the day of the ball, and Daphne and I were standing outside one of the doors in the Hall of Wonders as Granny searched for the right key. 

"Yes, but I have a feeling Sabrina won't like the normal way. Besides, since she's not the one operating the magic, she should be fine." She finally finds the right key and opens the door. As we all walk in I notice the door is for "Magical Brushes".

The room is filled with floor to ceiling shelves, with all kinds of brushes on them. Hair brushes, makeup brushes, even tooth brushes.

"What are these supposed to do?" I ask at the same time Daphne asks, "What fairy tale are these from?" We look at each other and laugh.

"Most of these are from Snow White's story, in fact." Granny answers as she scans the shelves. "Although they weren't a crucial part of the story, the 'Wicked Queen' would use them." She seems to find what she was looking for and grabs a hair brush and a couple makeup brushes.

"As for what they do, you'll see."

I sigh. Of course. 

"You girls go on out, I've got one more thing to grab."

* * * * *

As Daphne and I sit on the couch wait for Granny to come back, we see Puck walk in looking oddly... groomed. 

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