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~Part 2~

"When do our dresses disappear?" I ask.

"For Daphne, 11. For you, midnight."

"This is starting to feel a lot like I'm a Cinderella that doesn't get a prince."

"Who says you don't?" Daphne asks.

"W-What do you mean?" I ask, feeling my face grow warm.

"Oh, nothing." Daphne smiles cheekily. 

Granny raises an eyebrow. "Well, whatever you're talking about, we have to go."

My face is still warm as we get in the car.

* * * * *

I'm not quite sure where we are. We're not at Charming's mansion, where the last ball was. I'm sure Granny told us, but I wasn't listening, nor was I paying attention to anything on the ride here. 

"Ready to go in, girls?" Granny asks.

"Yeah!" Daphne says, starting up the stairs that lead to the front door.

"I guess..." I say quietly, following her.

"Y'know what, Sabrina?" Daphne calls down to me. "I think you should go in on your own, and I'll go in with Granny."

"What? Why?" I ask, nearly tripping.

"I think that's a great idea, leibling." Granny agrees. "You're getting older, there's no need for you to stick to us." She winks at me.

"O-Okay, I guess." 

All too soon, we arrive at the top of the steps.

"You go in first then Granny and I will go in after." Daphne says. "Got it?"

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, it's pretty simple."

She grins and gives me a hug. "Go get your prince." She whispers in my ear. 

I blush, yet again, as she pulls away. "Now make your entrance!" She exclaims.

I take a deep breath, open the door, and go through. Vision blurry, the first thing I see is colors, people I suppose, twirling around in the center of the large room. Dancing, my anxiety filled brain comes up with a couple second later than it should have. Woah self calm down. I take a deep breath, scanning the crowd. I'm unsure what or who I'm looking for until I see him. 


He's standing apart from the main crowd, eyes lazily drifting across the people as if bored. The moment I see him I feel the color drain from my face. I really can't deal with him tonight, no matter what Daphne says. Unfortunately, that is when his eyes land on me. We both freeze. I'm the first to recover, and begin to walk to the opposite side of the ball room. I hurry along the edge of the crowd of dancers, struggling to not get elbowed or knocked into. 

Unfortunately, that's exactly what happens. A man twirls his partner, and she hits me, knocking me off balance. I'm not exactly graceful even without heels on, so I fall strait down onto my butt. I don't get up right away, rubbing where the woman's bony elbow hit me. 

"Need some help?"

I look up to see Puck, hand extended to help me up. A blush stains my cheeks. He must've saw me fall. 

He laughs. "Don't worry, it wasn't your fault."

I take the hand he offered me, but brace myself in case he lets go of it as I'm getting up. To my surprise, he doesn't. When I'm standing he pulls me a few feet away from the crowd.

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