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((Okay y'all so lemme just say that this chapter is a sweet-tea fueled piece of sh*t. sorry but uh... it is. I was gonna wait until i had the motivation to, like, write better but then I thought of y'all and how much I hate (in the best possible way that you can hate someone) authors that never update so I was like *groan* fine. hope you don't despise the writing in this chapter as much as I do. *slurps even more sweet tea.* ...its not an addiction.))

When we enter the room, Puck closes the door and pushes me against it. I open my mouth to say something, but he chooses that moment to kiss me. Whatever I was going to say disappears from my mind as I melt into him. His hands settle on my hips as he continues to kiss me. He moves one hand to lock the door at my back. 

A clear sentence stabs through my foggy thoughts. What time is it?! I quickly push him away. 

He stumbles, a somewhat hurt look crossing his face. "What?" He asks.

"I, uhm... what time is it?"

He glances at his watch. "Almost 12," he says, like it's nothing. 

Oh, Lord. With all the dancing, the kissing, everything that happened...

"I need to go. Now."

"I'm sensing some serious Cinderella vibes here," he smirked. 

"Yeah, sorry, it comes with the shoes." I say as I unlock and open the door. He glances at my shoes, eyes widening in recognition. 

"Wait why do yo-"

"Bye!" I say, and then go as fast as I can in heels through the ballroom. 

When I reach the doorway, Daphne is waiting in her regular clothes, her dress having gone away an hour ago. 

She smirks. "So did you have fun?" She says.

"Can't talk. Have to go. Now." I say through pants, not stopping.

Her brows furrow in confusion before she sees Puck pushing his way through the crowd to get to me. 

"Oh," she says. 

We both rush out of the building, but once we get outside there's not much we can do. If we wait any longer he'll come out to find us standing there, so we have to decide quick. An idea springs into my mind. 

"Mr. McFerguson," I say. Mr. McFurguson was yet another one of our foster parents. To escape him, we snuck out as usual, but the only problem was his paranoia. Because of his high-tech alarm system, he caught us escaping and tried to follow us. Once we got outside, we only had a few seconds to decide what to do, so I pulled Daphne towards the side of the house, where we waited. Because he thought we would try to run, he searched away from the house. We waited until he looked for us on the road, then went the opposite way. 

She nodded and we went over to the side of the mansion, hidden by the well-manicured bushes. We peered through the branches and watched as Puck came running out of building, flushed and panting slightly. He looked around, but only in the direction of the road. Even as we watch him, it becomes midnight. A cold winds sweeps around me, and after it's gone I'm in my normal clothes again. 

Unfortunately, the wind that sweeps around me also rustles the bushes. Puck hears and walks over.

A puzzled look crosses his face when he sees us. "Grimm? Why are you behind a bush?"

"Well I uh..." I stammer.

"She didn't want anyone to see her go from fab to drab," Daphne interjects.

"Her words, not mine," I say, relieved at the save.

He scoffs. "I doubt you were as 'fab' as you thought you were,"

I almost feel the insult sting my chest. You called me beautiful! I want to yell at him. You kissed me!

Instead, I clench a fist at my side. I walk away, toward the death-trap of a car we came here in. 

"Grimm, jeez, if I'd known you were going to throw a hissy fit I wouldn't have said it," He says, and I can almost hear his rolling his eyes. 

I stop abruptly and look at my fist. I clench it tighter. The knuckles go white, and I can feel where my nails are biting into my palm. 

"Grimm?" Puck says from behind me. 

Before I can think I've spun around and used my clenched fist to punch Puck. His head whips to the side and sharp pain shoots through my knuckles and palm. I open my hand to see that my nails broke my skin and that blood is seeping out of the small crescent shaped cuts. 

Shaking out my hand, I continue away from the mansion but don't stop at the car. Screw stupid everafters and fairy tale creatures that live in the woods, I'm walking home. I'd like to see them try to mess with me. 

damn so sabrinas mad about it for obvious reasons, but uh. i figured you guys would want to read this, so i cut it off at a crappy point. here you go, but its only like less that 750 words. i doubt it will sate your thirst for long, but wattpad is blocked on my ipad so i can only write once a week-- if that. and i know im just making more excuses but uh... sorry

also yall should comment (and inline comment) more coz honestly thats what motivates me to write. to me my stories are crap but yall seem to like them so...

thanks to @swiggy_livito for the due date idea. i wont be able to publish the chapters consistently, but i might be able to write some in advance? so if yall want i could do that?

very tired! its nearly 1:30 am. 
im surviving on sweet tea and peanut m&ms. 


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