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"Hello? Is anyone there?" Lydia asked quietly, walking hesitantly down a hall. She flinched at the slightest sound, her whole being on edge. She felt different emotions coursing through her being. She felt panic, anxiety, guilt, dread?
She didn't know why she felt like this. Maybe she was having another divination but she wasn't sure. This feeling she held was something different, she felt more scared and heartbroken. Like something inside her was about to shatter to pieces. Possible her heart but she wasn't sure why.
"Goodbye Stiles."
Lydia turned around abruptly at the sound of her voice, Cassie's. She headed down another hall where she heard it come from. It led to a door, all white and she felt an overcoming feeling of regret wash over her.
She then opened the door but was suddenly pulled by a unknown force to the other side. She became disoriented by the lights, noises, and people rushing around. She looked around to see it was Beacon Hills Hospital.
She became anxious knowing what was going to happen. Someone is going to die and soon that she cares about.
"We need some help over here!" Lydia heard someone yell from the front door of the hospital. She watched as different nurses ran towards the paramedics. The man that yelled began to talk, "We have a possible 17 year old girl hit by a Semi truck. She's been unconscious, no sign of any movement or waking up. Her heartbeat is slow and there are signs of internal bleeding in the brain."
"Oh my god." She heard the familiar voice of Malissa say. She turned towards the nurse as she ran to the patient in the stretcher. "Carly go back to where you were, I'll take care of her." Malissa choked out to another nurse, tears forming in her eyes.
Lydia walked closer afraid of who she will see. As she walked closer she let a gasp, tears beginning to form of her own.
Lydia shot out of her bed. She looked around and saw she was in her room not the hospital. She quickly got up and out of her bed quickly getting into whatever clothes she could.
She felt the same emotions in her stomach, confirming that she only had so little time to save her best friend from her own fate.
She got her keys from her nightstand and ran as fast as she could down to her car. Lydia took her phone out of her purse and dialed Cassie's number. The phone rang but no one ever answered.
"Hey this is Cassie, sorry I couldn't pick up leave me a mess-Stiles! I'm trying to be serious here-Stiles here, if you can't reach her she's probably ignoring you-" Lydia smiled at the voicemail, remembering that vividly.
Lydia watched as her two best friends laughed together. Cassie was currently trying to set up a voicemail for her phone, but Stiles being Stiles decided to have a little fun with that.
"Stiles I swear to god I'm going to kill you." Cassie glared at him but was smiling, failing to be serious towards her best friend. Anyone who didn't know them could tell they were infatuated with each other.
Lydia smiled at the two as they bickered like a couple, which she still couldn't process how they still weren't. Cassie finally got him to shut up so she decided to try one more time.
"Hey this is Cassie, sorry I couldn't leave a mess-" Cassie abruptly stopped as Stiles started up again. "Stiles! I'm trying to be serious here-", Stiles ripped the phone out of her hand and began to say, "Stiles here, if you can't reach her she's probably ignoring you." Stiles then gave her phone back and laughed at Cassie as she stomped her foot.
"You know what. I don't care anymore I'm just keeping that." Cassie said frustrated. Stiles pouted at Cassie innocently and began to pull her into a hug.
Lydia smiled as she saw Cassie blush but trying not to show it by burying her face into his chest.
"I hate you." Cassie said and laughed as she hugged him hard.
"You love me." Stiles whispered, into her hair, Lydia only barely hearing it.
"I do." Cassie said but Lydia could see the emotions on her face. Lydia knew that Cassie's words had so much more meaning behind it.
Lydia snapped out of her trance as she could hear something whispering. It slowly got louder and louder as she came to recognize the street it was saying. The street was the main road of Beacon Hills, it was the same street that Lydia, Allison, and Cassie were hit by that deer.
Lydia then dialed the ambulance and by the second ring someone picked up.
"This is Beacon Hills Hospital what's your emergency."
"There's been a accident on Boulevard Road. Please be there as fast as you can." Lydia said panicking as she decided to head towards the hospital.
"Ma'am I'm going to need-"
"Please, be there as fast as you can." And with those last words Lydia hung up. As Lydia headed towards the hospital she couldn't help but have sorrow and dread swimming in the pit of her stomach. Tears that she didn't realize were running down her face, began to cloud her vision. She wiped her eyes, thanking the gods she didn't have makeup on. She finally pulled up into the parking lot, but she couldn't move. She just sat there in the car, with the car running.
She could feel the all too familiar feeling beginning to rise in the back of her throat, but she held it back. She began to cry more as the emotions hit her like a bus, knowing she could lose her best friend. That's when she felt it. She knew that right then and there, Cassie was hit. She could feel it inside of her. And just like that, Lydia screamed.
We all say or do something that could change not just yours but others lives. It could be good or bad doesn't matter. You have to live with that for the rest of your life. Good things happen to good people, bad things happen to bad people. That's how it should be, but it isn't.
Good people get hurt and that's just how life is. Yeah, bad things happen to bad people sometimes as well as good things happen to good people, but not as much as we would like. Then comes the aspect of life and how you think you should live it. Should I do this or that. Should I chose this over that.
Life comes down to choices and those choices can change your whole future. People that already have their whole life planned out usually envy those that live in the moment. That's how it should be, that's how it has to be.
You just need to live in the moment. Your going to experience things that your not going to want to. Especially when it comes to love. Love can be told as many things. Fate, destiny, lust, infatuation, friendship.... Some believe in those things, others believe that's it's just chemicals in your brain and love isn't really there. But when they finally start to love, their faith in what they believe will be tested.
There's going to many wrong turns in your journey through love. Choices have to be made and that will change your life. Choices is what ends and starts love between two people. Most love story's began with friendship, and it always leads to something more. Something amazing and undeniable known as destiny.
This is how Cassie and Stiles story started. But sure as hell this is not how it will end. Their story wont just end with friendship, but also end a different way.
It will end with something inevitable, almost like fate. Their story will end with love.

Goodbye, Stiles•Completed•Where stories live. Discover now