chapter 4

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Lucy POV

   "By the way. My name is Gray."

   "My name is Lucy and this is..." I fell into his arms, passed out from exhaustion.

   "Lucy!" Layla yelled but I didn't hear her.

   Gray picked me up, running to the nurses office, Layla behind us.

   She opened the door as soon as we all got there and Gray put me on the bed in there but the nurse was not here today.

   Gray put his hand on my forehead and looked at Layla. "She just has fever from lack of sleep. She will be fine as long as she rests. Do you mind if I stay with her?"

   My twin nods. "After all you have done for her. I don't mind at all but I have to get to class. I will let the teacher know what happened. She has done this before, so they will understand."  Gray nods and Layla leaves, closing the door but not before locking it to keep Juvia away.

   "I'm so sorry you had to ever deal with this, when Juvia introduce herself to me, she seemed like an angel but she was nothing a stupid, dumb-ass bitch, who was about to destroy a beautiful, young woman. Why didn't I realized it before?" He started crying.

   I heard every word he said and put I put my hand on his leg well he sat there on the bed near me. He looked over at me.

   "It's okay. My mother taught me that if someone hurts you, then that means that they are just dealing with something of there own and I know a little of her story. She lost her mother and her father left her alone, so her neighbor took her in. She had in rough, so she took it out on me because I am so weak and I have always been weak. My twin knew this and always protected me. I know you think she's a monster, but deep down she is just hurting and dealing with her own pain in a different way. I know you want to protect me too. I can see it in your eyes. You are a wizard, aren't you?"

   I can't believe this sweet girl is being so nice to this vile woman. I mean, I know she's hurting but she still chooses to protect her, why? Gray thought to himself.

Third person POV

   Juvia was standing outside the the nurse office, crying as Lucy let all the feels she felt inside out to someone she never met.

   Layla was standing outside her classroom door.

   "My sister has always been that way. She forgives whoever hurts her and she let's whoever hurts her, get away with it. She knows you back story and so do I but just because you went through something horrible doesn't mean you can take it out on her. You know she lost her best friend to suicide at age 9. Her friend was only 11 years old at the time. She got bullied and hurt but Lucy took the beating and fought back herself, even if the other person was stronger. She never gave up. So now you know her back story, don't you think it's time to start being nice for once in your life, Juvia?"

   Juvia looked over at Layla and ran to her, hugging her. Layla was shocked but hugged her back.

   "I'm so sorry! I'm so very sorry!" Juvia was balling her eyes out like Lucy used too.

   "She! It's okay. I can teach you to be nice, okay?"

   Juvia nodded and smiled.

Gray x LucyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ