Rule #2 Do Not Tell Them What They Can and Cannot Do

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We walked down the dark sidewalk with only the street lamps, car lights as our luminescence from the darkness. An unnerving feeling slid down my spine. Strangers walked passed us here and there. Which made me feel lightly better... I contemplated inwardly if I was insane or not. Who would let a stranger pick the place and then change it for a reason no matter how good it was?

"You look beautiful." Atlas beamed as we turned waiting for the traffic to come to a halt.

"Thanks." I blushed. I looked to the red light motioning for us to stop. Minutes ticked by and the silence was killing me. The red light for us to cross just wouldn't turn green. What was I supposed to say? You're smoking hot too.

"One second, Butterfly." He said beaming and removing his arm from mine and I immediately found myself missing his warmth. I needed to seriously calm down. I mean WTF. Atlas walked to the activator to bring forth the green light and pressed furiously. It would've been hilarious if the look on his face wasn't so daunting. I walked over to him putting a hand on his shoulder before he could break the machine. I could tell he was toned even through his thick set coat. I felt him tense slightly under my touch.

"'s okay..." I soothed trying to calm him. "It's not like you can just skip through the traffic." I joked trying to show him that everything was fine.

"What did you say?" He responded skeptically.

" can't skip through the traffic."

"Are you daring me?" He interrogated. The shadowy desire of a dare lusted over his eyes. I shook my head urgently. This maniac was going to get himself killed. He walked toward me with a daunting leer sewn to his perfect face and placed his hands on the sides of my face. My pulse was rushing loudly in my ears as he leaned into me.

"If I cross without a must kiss me." He decided straightforward.

"I-I'll k-kiss you anyway." I stuttered.

"Aww." He said putting a black leather gloved hand to his chest. "That's cute."

Soon afterward he was in the traffic. Vehicles swerved. Cars honked. People screamed. He skipped across the street without a care in the world while singing...Crazy=Genius by Panic! At The Disco.

Other than the intense feeling of fright that coursed through me, I was filled with...appreciation.
He remembered my favorite song and his voice sounded great with it. I smiled as he skillfully moved out of the vehicles way as if he was a ballroom dancer. His moves were agile and quick and soon he was on the other side. He did a bow in my direction.

"He's insane." I whispered to myself as the light finally turned green allowing for me to cross street. My heart began to speed up its pace as I neared him. He was giving off a mischievous energized aura that practically radiated off of him.

"I believe you owe me a kiss." He sneered grabbing my arm and pulling me toward him. I didn't even try to protest as his soft lips met mine. It was only a brief kiss but how his teasing tongue trailed up my lips after was something so hot that I thought I would pass out. He gave me a wink then intertwined our arms. I began to become lightheaded. What was happening? Why did he kiss me? We don't even know each other. Why is this this stranger so insanely perfect?
Why was he being so nice to a stranger? Why was he already doing so much for me? To be honest I was starting to grow wry. Who treats a complete stranger like a long lost lover?

A serial killer that's who. I thought darkly. I gave notice of my phone in my black lace clutch. When was I going to be able to sneak away and call Dane?

"I can see the wheels turning in your head, butterfly." Atlas snickered smugly with a slight accent I hadn't notice before. Similar to someone who was raised in Britain. It was almost indistinguishable. You could only catch when it rarely appeared.

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