Rule #7 Don't get Addicted or Else

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Two weeks shifted into a month.
A month of not knowing, not understanding. Every day I was filled with aggressive whys, hows, whens. Each clawing at my mind.

Everything was great and then it was...gone. I tried to move on. Trust me I tried. But, everytime that I was almost over it, I saw him, on billboards, television, even the freaking subway.

He poked at me, mockingly. It was bitter. It was cold. The desire to know was a sinister darkness engulfing my body and mind.

I got addicted to him and I could never get him back. And that mere fact was driving me to the edge of insanity. I tried to roll my shoulders to dissipate the tension in my back.

"I need to know why." I whispered to myself. I was sitting in Dane's living room while watching The Goonies.

"What did you say, Amber?" Dane asked, with his attention on the screen. He's seen the movie over fifty times yet everytime he watches it, it's like the first.

"I need to go." I thought clenching my fists. Dane's eyes shot to my hands. He paused the movie, quickly taking my shaking hands in his. He had tried for a month to get me to not go back to Atlas.

"No." He ordered sternly. "You are letting him control you. This is what he does. Don't you get it? He gets pretty girls like you hooked on him then he leaves them high and dry."

I shook my head. Everything he was saying was true. But, I needed closure.

"I'm sorry, Dane. I need closure." I said standing and rushing out of his apartment.

I entered mine, locking the door behind me and began the insane plan that I had conjured up in my mind not less than five minutes ago.

I changed out of my black sweats and P!ATD sweatshirt, pulling on a tight burgundy dress and black trench coat. I pulled my hair into a tight bun and put on my glasses that I never wore. I also rocked a pair of sharp black heels. I would say something cliche like Atlas Knight won't know what hit him but he will: my fist.

I ignored the look I was getting from Dane as I walked down the hall.

"This isn't a good idea, Amber!" He called from down the hall. I overlooked his words as I googled Atlas's headquarters and in forty minutes I was in front of his sleek glass skyscraper.

Taking a deep breath, I sauntered into the building with confidence  I walked over to the blonde man sitting at the front desk.

"Hello." I smiled. "I'm here for my appointment with Mr.Knight."

The man was silent for a few minutes as he typed away at his slick black tablet. For a moment I thought that I was going to pass out from anxiety. Was he going to discover that I was an imposter.

"Ms. West? You usually do your sessions over Skype."

"I decided that he needed person contact this week."

"You got that right. He's been firing people everyday." The man said lowly. "For the sake of my job and yours straighten him out." He smiled.

I gave him a nod, walking to the elevator.

Which floor is he on?

"The top." The Secretary answered. Thank God.

I'm in. That was surprisingly easy. I kind of feel like I'm in Ocean's Eight. I pressed the 30th floor.

Here I go. I thought wiping my sweaty palms against my trench coat. When I reached the 30th level I was met with a dark slick tiled room with mostly glass walls similar to the whole building. There was a waiting room in front of me, styled with black leather furniture, a glass table and a plush black rug that looked like it cost more than my apartment.

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