Rule #4 Never Let Them Stay the Night

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"Darling, let me help you with that." Atlas's heat disappeared.
"Up." He ordered and it took me a while to realize that he was talking about my feet. I obeyed and watched as he pulled off my sweats. Soon, I was being scooped up and carried bridal style to my bathroom.

"Where...?" I asked laying against his chest still in between a state of reality and ectasy.

"You need a shower, am I mistaken?" He asked peering down at me.

I nodded. He opened the door carrying me into the small dark tiled bathroom. He shut the door behind him engulfing the room in his icy scent. He sat me down on the lavatory and began fiddling with the works of the shower.

"I don't need your help." I grumbled then scowled when my hand made contact with my clammy and sensitive legs.
This was so unbelievably...what's the word; revolting, embarassing, hot, sweet, fast, insane...Yep that's the one.

Steam began to engulf the tiles of the chamber, sticking to the dimunitive vallums. I watched Atlas stick his hand under the water, checking the temperature.

"Feels like sex." He decided. Which probably meant great. He moved to my side bringing me to my feet. He motioned for me to move to the shower. I walked past him brushing his arm lightly.

"You can leave now." I said well more like ordered. He was so close that I could feel the heat of his body radiate onto me.

"Do you truly want me to leave?" He questioned hotly. His breath caressed my ear.

Didn't I just say that I wanted you too? I questioned myself skeptically.

"Yep." I answered quickly. I turned pressing my palms to his chest. He looked down at my hands as if he had just been scorched. "Okay, so you helped me get off that doesn't mean you'll see me naked." I clarified. He remained silent.

"Atlas, this is a little invasive even for you."

No words were uttered. He stayed lifeless staring vacantly.

"Atlas?" I demanded.

"You are right. I should leave." He answered flatly.

Wait...what? Why is he agreeing?

"Um....I mean you could stay outside."

"No, the acrimony you possess for me is clear."

"What? I don't hate you." I exclaimed. But, there was no changing his mind. He turned to walk out. The truth was I didn't want him to leave and he wanted me to admit it.

"Fine! I want you to stay!" I cried out. He turned around toward me with a huge Cheshire Cat smile.

"Thank you, butterfly." He leered taking a seat on the lavatory. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Close your eyes." I growled. He abided. As his eyes were shut. I took the time to examine him. The dark hair swept to the back of his head, the few strands that fell in his face, his creamy skin, his perfect lips, perfectly arched cheek bones and his cute dimple that appeared every once in a while.

He was gorgeous and I wanted to kick him out. Genius. I growled to lowly resisting the urge to smack myself in the face.

I ripped off my shirt and panties then jumped into the shower trying not to slip on my ass. That would be mortifying.

The hot flow of water rained slightly against my skin. My water pressure sucked but at least I was getting cleaned.

"May I open my eyes now?" He questioned from behind the dark grey shower curtain.

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