Chapter 2

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"Sophie, a scroll came for you!" Grady called 

I slowly walk down stairs, and take the scroll. I break open the sal and look for my friends, bottom to top. 

Number 74- Tam    

Number 56-Dex 

Number 2-fitz

Number 1-Keefe 

Keefe is my number 1?!

~~~Keefes POV~~~

When my matchmaking scroll is delivered I quickly open it up

Linh- 15



I'm so excited, Sophie is my number one! My imparted starts ringing and Sophie is on the screan.

"Hey, you want to come over to my house?" She asks

"Yea, be there in a seck." 

I go to the leap master and  call for Havenfield.

By the time I arrive all our friends are there with their scroll in their hand. We all congregate in Sophie's room. 

"So Biana where ar we on your list?" Sophie asks 

"Tam is my number 11, Dex 3, and Keefe is my number one, how about you linh? She asks.

"Keefe 17, Dex 8, and fitz 2, how about you? She asks tam 

"Not telling." He says tipacal tam. 

"Please" Linh begs

"Fine, Sophie 34 and Biana 18, happy now?" He states 

"Yup, Keefe your turn." Linh says

"Linh is my 15th, Biana is my 2nd, and Sophie is my 1st. Sophie your turn" I say

"Tam is 74, Dex is 56, fitz is 2nd, and Keefe is first. Biana your turn." She says, she seems excited about her scroll. It's probably because I'm on it

"Tam, is my 6th, Keefe is my 3rd, and Dex is my 2nd." She states I'm so glad I'm not her number one! 

As everyone leaves I decide to stay back and ask her out somewhere, or tell her I love her, or something! I stay behind and when everyone is gone I say.

"Hey Sophie, um you are my number one and I'm yours, um would you uh...."

"Keefe, do you want me to go out with you?" She says for me

"Yea." I say sheepishly 

"Well I'd love to!" She answers 

"Really?" I ask

"Of corse Keefe, I've had a crush on you sence level 3" she tells me I'm over joyed! 

"I have too ! Except I didn't know you in level three, but you know what I mean. She laughs, I love her laugh.  Now we are standing really close, I can feel her breath on my chin, I stare into her beautiful brown eyes and I lean down and we kiss, it's Soft,  beautiful, and magical. We don't even notice the door open and someone run Down stairs. When I pull away I realize something, finals are tomorrow.

"Oh no I need to go!" I say

"Why?" She says hurt

"Finals are tomorrow!" I answer

"Sence when have you cared about finals." She accuses

"Well if I don't pass I can't become a part of nobility" I respond 

"Then hurry, go home!" She yells I hear her laughs as I head downstairs. 

Best. Day. Ever.               

Fitz's POV

As soon as I get downstairs from Sophie's room I realize that I need to ask Sophie out, and soon. I go upstairs and when I get to her room I don't even bother to knock. When I open the door I see something I never thought possible, Sophie and Keefe kissing, I'm furious, I run down stairs and out the door and light leap home. 

"Hey fitz!" Biana calls she is in a fancy tunic  and her hair is stiled. 

"Where are you going?" I ask her.

"I'm going to ask Keefe out." She says

"That's not gonna happen." I tell her

"Well I'm vey persuasive." She says and walks out of the room. 

Bianas POV 

I get to Keefe house and knock on the door when Keefe answers he looks really happy and I think it's because I'm here.

"Hey Keefe I was wondering if you want to go out with me on Saturday?" I ask him

"Sorry I can't." He replies "I'm really busy this week and will be for a few more weeks with finals, and moving out of the elite towers so... Yea." He finally finishes. 

I'm sad but I get it. He's a busy man.I'll be back in a few weeks.

A/n so how do you like the book so far, also, do you like the start of the drama, fitz is going to be a reck and soon poor Bianas heart will be broken but they end up happy, so don't hurt me ok, thanks, bye!

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