Graduating ceremonies

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from now on the story will be in third person unless I say differently 

           Finally the day had come. Sophie, along with Dex, Biana, Tam, and Linh are all ending their second to last year at Foxfire. Fitz and Keefe are both graduating tonight. Sophie was so excited as she watched the boys show off their talents. Both did spectacular, and nobody could be more proud that Keefe hadn't done something to ruin it.  

           They walked off the stage, Sophie ran and gave Keefe a huge hug. 

"Enjoy the show foster?" Keefe teased,

"How could I not! Its always so cool!" she  responds.

"Come on, lets go see the others." Keefe exclaims dragging poor Sophie through the dense crowd. 

When they finally find the others, Sophie's cheeks are flushed, and her breathing is a bit heaver.

"Oh Keefe, We're so proud of you!" Della exclaims, hugging him tightly. 

"hey, we should all have dinner together to celebrate!" Biana suggests.

"yea, where should we have it?" Dex pipes up 

"Our place should work." Alden puts in.

"that sounds wonderful, but I'm going to have to steal Sophie for a bit.'' Keefe informs them

"Oh, and why should I go with you? " Sophie asks a mischievous glint in her eyes. 

"Because I have a surprise planed." he responds, giving her a light kiss on the forehead. Fits rolls his eyes as he does so. 

"well then I will see you guys soon." Sophie tells them, taking Keefe's hand. 

"just be home before 10:30." Grady call after them as they walk away. Who knows if they actually heard him.

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