Chapter 3

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Sophies POV

My imparter starts buzzing, I turn it on and see Keefe.  

"Hey." I say answering it

"Hi, ummm could you call Biana, please." He asks

"What do you want me to say?" 

"Umm can you ask her to help you get ready for our date after  finals?" He asks again

"But she'll make me wear heels!" I complain 

"I really need you to look nice." He says nervously 

"Keefe where are we going?" I question 

"My empathy teacher invited me to  a fancy dinner  party. He said I could invite the guest of my choice, so I chose you." He finally answers. 

"Ok, but still im not wearing heels." I say hanging up. 

This must be pretty fancy if he needed Biana to help me get ready.

I call for Biana, 

''Hello!" She answers

"Hey, can i ask you a favor?" I say

"Sure" she replys "what do you need?"

"I need you to give me a small makeover in Friday." I blurt

"OMG yes" she squeals "yes yes yes !"

"What do you need the makeup for?" She asks 

"I'm going on a date!"i say sheepishly

She squeals, really loudly.  "so Fitz finally asked you out." 

"Wasn't fitz." I say



"Tam?" She's so confused

"No,  silly, its Keefe!" I reply.

Bianas POV

"No silly, its keefe!" She said

Keefe, asked Sophie out? But, our conversation ten muinets ago, he said he's busy. He let me down easy! He lied and doesn't have anything going on!

"Uhh, Biana are you ok?" Sophie asks. ok! I'm not ok Sophie, my best friend is dating the love of my life! How could i be ok!

"I just remembered I'm buisy on Friday." I say coldly 

"With what? She asks 

"Anything but that." I say hanging up.

How could  Sophie do that. He's mine, not Hers, she knows she that. I cant help it, tears are streaming down my face. 

"So you figured it out." Fitz said coldly 

"Yea." I reply

"Well you better move on, he's probably gonna propose this summer." 

Ill, get over it, I tell myself. I look at my list. 

Number 2   Dex. 

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