Return of the Legend

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Mikasa: What the fuck do you know Levi. You weren't even there when it happened. You slaways say that your so good but you can't even save Eren from the female titan right now.

Levi: Shut up. First of all, I'm currently injured like this because I saved your Asian ass from the female pussyless titan and now your blaming it on me! Alright Mikasa, let's have a bet. If I can't save Eren in the next expedition to rescue him, you can beat the ever living shit out of me for ten straight hours. But if I win, you have to burn your scarf. better get ready for your ass to get kicked.

Levi: I don't give a shit Mikasa. Now go train and learn from your mistakes to be  better and maybe you can beat Annie just like I did.

Back to the warriors

Reiner, Bert and Ymir escaped the titan attack and they made it to wall Maria. They decided to take a rest and go find Annie and Eren 4 weeks later, exactly the time when the survey corps were searching for Eren as well. 

Reiner: This is bad. I mean, really bad. Annie...that little backstabbing bitch...I can't believe her. We all agreed that day! To complete our mission....see our families again in Marley......

Bertolt: Reiner.....I know this may sound crazy but....what if we can help Eren and the others...if we stick together we might....

Reiner: I can't! My mother is waiting for me to return as a proud warrior but...all I've done is getting myself to care for these people....why am I such a half assed piece of shit...

Ymir: So....if we find Eren and Annie, will your attacks be over forever?

Reiner: That's the only way. We can't let anyone else go through this hell again.  We just want to finish it.....

Bertolt: Annie....where are you.....we miss you.....

Back to Annie and Eren

Eren: Ughhh.....where am I......wait....why am I tied up! And why can't I feel my legs and arms? Wait someone's coming! Wait....Annie?! What the hell are you doing here?

Annie: So you've finally woken up Jaeger. Listen, you are going to get me home and I'll stop at nothing to go home. I don't care about the mission or my friends. I just want to see my father again. 

Eren: Ank what makes you think that I can get you back home?

Annie: It's called the coordinate but the real name is the founding titan, the ability to control titans.

Eren:! I can control titans at my own will?! How is that even possible Annie?! Is that...the only reason you kidnapped me?

Annie: I don't know where your going with this. I only need to go home. That's it. I don't have feelings for any of you.

Eren: Annie......I thought we could be friends again the old days. I know it may seem hypocritical because I went berserk when I fought you but.....I am willing to forgive you! is not right....I don't fucking care about your feelings Jaeger! You better get me back to my hometown or I'll kill you and everyone else you love!

A Warriors Betrayal Part 1 (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now