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I hate this feeling of confusion. The girls I met are strange and new like me. The girls with the orange hair walks over to the door to try to open it but it had no handle and could not be pushed

So then I do somthing I'm not entirely sure why,

I kick it.

It was almost an instinct. The door flew of of its hinges and into the hall way ahead. The brightness hurt our eyes a little at first.  It so bright. White walls, white floors.

The girl with orange hair leaves the room first,  and then for some reason I follow, but we stop after a few more steps and turn back to the blonde girl, and if she new what we what thinking because of this invisible bond that has been formed so she hesitantly joins us on wobbly knees.

The halls were long and empty until we turned the third corner. Men in white suits awaited us with funny looking machines.

At first we were excited to see more people, but then they shot the blond girl. it didn't harm her, but the sign off hostility triggered something.

Protectively I attack and the other two followed. The men in white suits tried  to defend with their machines,  but to no avail.... The rest is sort of a blur. And some how we found ourselves outside, in pale light in the middle of some woods.

What do we do now.

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