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"Oh my gosh I can't believe it!" I squeal "We're actually here High school! Wow its exactly how I imagined." I say staring and the navy blue rows of endless lockers and clusters of stereotypical groups of teenagers. "Yes, just like on T.V."

However I think there should be more rainbows, a majority of these people look misrible, Rainbows make everything better.

"Wow this is pretty cool." Buttercup admits. Until someone but into her. "Hey watch were you're going." She growls. "I take it back there's too many people."

"But they're so cute." I say admiring some boys near by. They wave and I giggle.

"Come on girls we need to find the office." Blossom interrupts. But before we even search for it a and naisly nosed girl with poofy red hair in two pigtail like me approaches.

"High girls!" She says. " You must be new, I noticed you didn't say hi to me when you walked in, but it is okay I forgive you. " she says getting closer. "I'm Princess, my daddy owns almost every thing in Townsville."

"Hi Princess!" I say happy to meet another girl my age besides my sisters."

"Hi." Blossom says. Before introducing us, first herself then me and then Buttercup. "And your right, we are new do you mind pointing us in the direction of the office so we can get our--" Before she finishes Princess is already pulling out three slips of paper and handing them to us.

"Wait, aren't these are schedules?" Buttercup points out, " Why do you have them?"

Princess ignores her question and says"Come on girls, you have the honor of having home room with me."

She says this while already taking her leave.

"Ohh...ok." Says Blossom as equally blown away as me. Wow how exiting. I can't seem to keep a smile of my face. And it's all I can do to keep from bouncing of the walls.

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