💓Richola - secrets that we keep🙅🏼

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Mature. Please read this chapter with care and please message me directly if you have any issues with this chapter or questions

[ R I C H E L L E  X  L O L A ]

Richelle xo

'I guess my stories a lot worse then yours Lola , no offence , I do know how hard it is to have family issues.
I don't have a mum anymore and I don't definitely have a dad.
I wish I still had my mum. Everyday I do.'

'My dad was abusive towards my mum , he'd bruise her and punch her daily in places that weren't visible to others to keep his secret hidden.
Sometimes if he'd been drinking , he'd scar her arms or punch her lip in , I can't really remember my mum ever being out of hospital - she was so scared of my dad.' I say , I can feel my voice trembling.

What I was about to tell Lola was something I'd never told anyone else , it wasn't like I had friends to tell , I guess though.

She holds my hand , 'Please don't feel like you have to tell me the story , I can tell it's going to be hard for you.'

Lola went from my only real friend to my girlfriend who constantly makes me smile and so happy , I owe a lot to her.

I smile slightly , 'I want to tell you , I feel like if I tell someone , it will be easier.'

I swallow the feeling of sick away and take a deep breath , 'I remember , at age 7, hearing my dad threaten my mom that if she dares tell anyone about her being a hooker for him or about her 'punishments' , she wouldn't get to see her daughter turn 8.'

Lola gasped , making me stop talking for a few seconds.

'As she went to turn away , I remember him tripping her over and the sound of her jaw hitting the ground , he started laughing , knowing she was in pain then walked off. I ran down the stairs sobbing with her , hugging her.'

' She told me that she was going on a walk , and not to tell my dad. I knew the consequences for both me and my mom , if I told him so I kept my mouth shut.'

My dad scared my mum so much , she was scared to upset him so she did what he wanted - even if that meant being his personal prostitute.

Tears stream down my face , Lola reaches over to wipe them and wraps her arms around me , giving me determination to carry on talking.

'She must have been gone for ages , hours probably. You could tell he was starting to realise where she had gone. Dad was smashing and breaking everything to do with mom. He was screaming 'Fuck you.' and 'I wish I had never dated you.'. I couldn't stop crying.'

'Mum came home at precisely 6:47 , I remember looking at my watch , knowing that this could potentially be the last few minutes with my mom. She wouldn't make it to 7pm let alone her daughters 8th birthday.'

'I'm so sorry babe.' Lola whispered , speechless , I wasn't finished with my story yet though.

'That's not the end. Sadly. " Where you been bitch?" he spat at his wife , he was silent after that , eyeing up his victim , he filled the atmosphere with terror. I prayed for my mom hard , I wished so hard. I really did.'

'He towered over her. Do you know the saying 'deer in the headlights'? My mum resembled that , she was shaking , pleading with him , telling him not to do anything to her.'

'He just laughed then reached into his pocket. Suddenly a 6 inch knife was in his hand. In shock , disbelief and probably fright , my mum dropped her bag and despite all the mess , a bright yellow card labelled 'abuse helplines' caught his eye.'

I shouldn't even have to say the next few sentences , let alone witness them , but it happened.

' My 'dad' picked up the card and laughed , he laughed cruelly , looking at my mom like she was a punch bag , a waste of space - someone to bully constantly to the point where she was better off killed.'

' 'You're not going to need this!' he said , ripping the card into shreds. I watched the pieces tumble to the ground , 'Please dad. Don't.' I whispered but it was pointless. I put my hands over my eyes as he neared the knife closer to her body , one final , helpless scream from her echoed the house.'

Mom was gone.

Her final words were , 'I'm so sorry , I love you so much. If you get the chance , run to the police office , explain everything. I'm so sorry baby.'

'She knew her fate.'

'She had it planned out , I just don't think she knew her 7 year old daughter would have to put what she had said in to practice just hours later.'

Lola wrapped her arms around me , 'I don't even know what to say , I'm so sorry.'

'Can you see why people don't want to be my friends? I'm just Richelle whose dad killed her mom , Richelle who lived in a care home , Richelle who lives with her aunt miles away from the studio. Richelle who takes two hours to get forgotten about and snubbed.' I complain , tired , it did feel good telling someone my story , the full story.

'I love you.' She whispered , her head on my shoulder.

We sat in the new studio in silence for minutes , both at a loss for words.

'I love you too.' I finally said , Lola smiles , 'Please don't tell anyone my story.'

'Never.' She says , kissing my lips.

I can't remember the last time I felt loved , it was probably around about the age of 7.

Lola's all I have now and I'm lucky to have her.


I feel like this is the best one shot that I've wrote!

This could potentially be a really good book so if anyone wants it , message me.

That's only if I'm not going to use it though!!!!

❤❤ Izz xox

Ps. I really hope people like this.

I wanted a back story to Richelle , we don't know much about Richelle and since I live in England I'm super behind on season 5 - compared to Canada.

All I know is Richelle tells Lola a secret and Lola tells people - this could be their secret that was told! xo

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