💓Gisest - Still into you✨

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[ G I S E L L E  X  W E S T ]

{giselle's POV}

'I recount the night that I first met your mother.
And on the drive back to my house I told you that, I told you that I loved ya.
You felt the weight of the world fall off the shoulder.
And to your favorite song we sang along, to the start of forever

And after all this time
I'm still into you'  West says , reading from his scrunched up piece of paper that had been stuffed in the bottom of his dance bag , who knows for how long.

'Paramount? Oh my gosh you remembered.' I say , leaning over and wrapping him in a tight hug , 'Babe , this is so sweet! Best anniversary ever!!'

Paramount's song 'Still Into You' explained mine and West's relationship, the first time West said he loved me , about 2 years ago after he went to my house and met my mom and my sisters.

We both heard this song on the radio , West in his taxi home to his house and me in my bedroom , whilst I was doing last minute homework.

He rang me up and said he heard this song and said he wanted it to be 'our song'.

I agreed from listening to the song , it summed us up , everything but the 'I Love You'.

'Giselle , do you want to know something?' He says , I can hear him humming along to the song.

'Yeah?' I say , slightly worried , I mean it's West so it could be anything from 'you're the best Ellie.' to 'I'm hungry'.

'I really love you. And I'm proud that my girlfriend's such an amazing dancer and influence to this team and I'm proud of myself for getting such an amazing girlfriend.'

I start laughing , 'It would be you to compliment yourself while you're complimenting me West.'

'Well I'm awesome but you know , not as awesome as you.'

'Yeah I'm the awesomest.' I say , as I hear West laughing down the phone.

'I love you.' He says , once he had stopped laughing.

It was so sudden , butterflies filled my stomach, I didn't know what to say.

'Gis..?' He said slowly down the line.

'I love you too..' I finally responded , shakily.


'This isn't the full anniversary gift Gis , there's more.' He smirks , grabbing my arm and starting to walk me down corridors.

I mean it's West , so the next surprise could be anything.

Which worries me - just slightly.

He sees my face , then bursts out laughing , 'It's not bad , trust me.'

West leads me into the rose room where my little sister Clara sings - it's mostly the hangout for people in lost and found.

'How come we're here babe?' I ask , confused , 'You're not going to start singing are you?'

He chuckles 'Yeah I wish , but no - someone else is.'

When he says that sentence , the lights turn off and I can hear people running into the room.

I instantly feel butterflies in my stomach.

The lights turn back on to show James , Theo , Luke and John on the stage , smiling back at us.

I clasp my hands over my mouth , 'Westttt. Is this the surprise?'

He starts to laugh as the band plays the first few notes.

'Happy anniversary babe.' West says , kissing my cheek.

'2 years of being with you - that's the best anniversary gift I could ever ask for.' I gush as the band starts playing music for us to dance to.

He took my hand and I rested my head on his shoulder - our fingers interlocked.

We slow danced for what felt like ages , it was just me and him together which was the best feeling ever.

West is the best boyfriend ever , I'm so happy to have someone like him.


Gisest is one of my favourite otp's and I've been so ill recently so I haven't done the ship justice.

It was my birthday a couple of days ago and I spent it with a cold and a sore throat..👍🏼🤒😷

Hope everyone enjoys this chapter xxxxx

- Izz 🖤🖤🖤

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