Chapter One: Back to Normal

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The sound is familiar, something you've heard at least once in your life. The sound of a 16-pound bowling ball rolling down the lane, it hits a pin knocking it down and two others by it. A beautiful young woman with blinding bleach blonde hair stands by her friends. "Ugh, I swear I had it," she says. The woman, known as Daisy, isn't happy with how her nights going especially while her boyfriend Kevin is paying more attention to the other girls. She calls his name.

Daisy: Kevin?

Kevin: What babe? It's all in the wrist.

She gives him a stern look.

Kevin: What's wrong?

Daisy: Can I speak to you for a minute?

She pulls Kevin over by the arcade.

Daisy: We have been here for two hours and you've barely even looked at me. What is going on?

Kevin: Look, babe...

Daisy: Don't "babe" me. I am tired of all this secrecy with you. The flirting, the times where you say you have to go help your dad but when I call over he says he hasn't seen you. I need to know what is going on or what we have it just won't work.

Kevin: I know things have been weird lately but I'm just going through a lot right now, my dad's a military man and he's always on my ass about this scholarship, you know that.

Daisy: That has nothing to do with us, Kev. All the flirting with my friends, huh? What's that about?

Kevin: What flirting?

Daisy: You know damn well, I see you with them buying them drinks.

Kevin: They're just nice girls trying to have a good time and so am I. I can't just be friends with them? Is there something wrong with that?

Daisy: Stop the bullshit!

The people around start to get quiet and begin to stare, including a man that works at the bowling alley, he's wearing a hat and a scarf that covers his mouth. Daisy's friend Shelly walks towards them.

Shelly: Is everything alright, D?

Daisy: Shelly, you won't lie to me. So tell me, do you ever see Kevin flirting with the other girls? Or am I just crazy?

Shelly: I- Um.

Kevin stares back at Shelly as a random girl walks by them from the arcade. She leans on the wall near them licking a lollipop and says "oh, Shelly does more than see."

Daisy: What does that mean?

Kevin: It doesn't mean anything.

Daisy: Let Shelly speak for herself.

Shelly: Well, uh, there was this one time where I was really stressed and it was after a football game, Kevin came to see if I was okay.

Daisy: What else happened that day?

Shelly: It was just-

Daisy: I want to hear him say it.

Kevin looks up, he's tapping his fingers on the glass of his watch.

Kevin: That was it babe.

Daisy: You might as well tell me cause either way we are still through. I am tired of the lies.

Kevin: We...

Daisy: You slept together. Say it.

Kevin: It was just one time.

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