Chapter Four: Fun & Games

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--Atlanta, March 2015--

    The outside of a suburban looking house, we see a figure through the window. The person covers the window with blinds, now inside the home we see the person is none other than Kieran Wilcox who walks over to a table where we see Piper Shaw sitting and using a laptop.

Kieran: Why are you smiling?

Piper:'s time.

Kieran: Piper...I'd love to join you but...the minute they find out I'm gone they'll snitch to my dad. He's the sheriff you know, locked me up once for driving without a license. I mean what a fucking prune.

Piper: Well...they can't snitch if they're not alive.

Kieran: What are you getting at?

Piper: They will get in the way Kieran...of everything we've been planning. And if you can't bring yourself to do it...well then I'll have to get my hands dirty.

Kieran: Piper you're literally asking me to kill my own mother.

Piper: Oh come on Kieran...her and her little boyfriend make you miserable. I mean it's not like you're gonna go to fucking counseling. Sometimes the alternative choice is the most do I need to put my big girl panties on or can you do it yourself?

    Kieran smiles.

Kieran: With pleasure.

Cut To:

    Kieran walks over to a car as he holds a toolbox. He kneels down near a tire and begins loosening the bolts. Now inside his house he walks over to the living room where his mom is sitting. His step-dad walks in from upstairs. "We ready to go?" Kieran asks. "Well I'm not too happy that you're joining us but...yeah. Let's go," his step-dad says. Back outside the car starts and rides out of the driveway. Now on an empty highway, Kieran sits in the backseat listening to his step-dad yell at him. Kieran doesn't pay attention and his step-dad says "Listen to me when I talk you." "Keep your eyes on the road..." Kieran says. "Don't tell me what to do" his step-dad responds. We see the tire start to shake as it makes a rattling noise. "Do you hear that?" Kieran's mom says. "I can feel it" his step-dad responds. "Maybe we should pull over and check" she says. Kieran responds, "maybe we should say our goodbyes..." Kieran grabs his step-dad's neck causing him to take his hands off the wheel as he tries to fight Kieran off of him. "Kieran stop!" his mother says as she tries to get him off. Kieran is then forcefully pushed back as the car flips. It quickly rolls off of the road and onto the grass and ends up hitting a tree. The car is upside down pushed into a tree, Kieran begins to open his eyes and when he turns his head he can see his mother who has a large piece of glass in the side of her face. She shows no signs of life. Kieran kicks the door open as he struggles to crawl out with glass all around him. He succeeds in getting out and when he stands up we can see he is badly bruised. He hears grunts and looks over to see his step-dad stuck in a seat belt. The car catches fire and Kieran's step-dad calls out for Kieran to help. Kieran ignores him and begins to walk away. As he walks down the empty road away from the burning car we can hear his step-father cry for help. It then becomes harder to hear as Kieran walks further away. "How did it feel?" We hear Piper ask as Kieran continues to walk, his face has no expression. "Amazing," he responds as we see him smiling.



October 29th, 2 Days Until Halloween.

    Emma sits at a dining table eating some eggs and using her phone. As her mom cleans the counter and Brian sits on a stool reading a newspaper, Emma notices a tweet. "Mom check this out," Emma says as she gets up and walks over to her mom. Maggie looks at the screen and sees a post from Kristen Lang. "I'm heading back to my hometown of Lakewood for a limited release of my new book. More details to come, see you there!" Ms. Lang moved to California after Kieran's murder mayhem. She's been working on her book "The Madness of Two" ever since and is about to release a small draft of it.

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