Chapter Three: In Bloom

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A wide field of open grass and bright yellow daffodils spread across the land. The sun beats on two young girls chasing after each other.

The young girls, best-friends Emma and Audrey, are playing through a big field on a warm summer day. They chase each other back to a rusty barn where they're greeted by an older woman, Emma's mother, Maggie. She's doing some garden work when the two young girls knock over a shovel which hits the young Emma in the head. "Ow!" she yells. Maggie runs over to check on her, "are you okay sweetie?" Maggie asks as she checks her daughter. "Yeah, it was an accident," Emma says. Maggie responds, "It's alright, just a bump, you'll be fine sweetie. Be careful, both of you." The two girls walk over to a small patch of grass and play with some plants. A truck speeds into the grass and a man storms out of the truck, Emma's father, Kevin. He's upset, he walks over to Maggie.

Kevin: Maggie! What the hell!?

Maggie: I see you decided to show up, I doubt you're here to see your daughter.

Kevin: I'm here for our daughter, Maggie.

Maggie: Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Kevin: Maggie, I'm serious, this situation is serious.

Maggie: What situation?

Kevin: You're trying to keep me away from her...I know it.

Maggie: You were leaving anyways...

Kevin: That doesn't mean I don't want to see her! You can't just keep me out of her life!

Maggie: You really think you should be around her? After everything you did!

Kevin: I thought we put that behind us...

Maggie: We tried...but you can't hide everything, Kevin.

Kevin: What is that supposed to mean?

Maggie: It'll come back, Kevin. It will come back to bite you in your ass and when it does I will NOT feel sorry for you. Not again...

Maggie takes off her gloves and walks over to Emma and Audrey, "come on girls" she says before grabbing both of their hands. As they walk back to their car Kevin says "where are you going?" Maggie ignores him and opens the door for the girls to get in.

Kevin: Maggie...Maggie talk to me please.

Maggie: We don't get to talk anymore...

Kevin: not leave me...Maggie!

Maggie shuts her door and locks them, she starts the car and slowly goes into reverse. Kevin continues to shout her name as he pounds on her window. Maggie speeds onto the dirt road and leaves. Kevin stands in the middle of the road as dirt surrounds after the car speeds off. He pulls a piece of paper out of his pocket and begins to unfold it, once unfolded it's revealed to be divorce papers. The signature at the bottom still unsigned. Kevin pulls a lighter out of his back pocket, lights it, and burns the papers. He drops them onto the ground and on his way back to his truck he pulls a daffodil from the ground. He grips it in his hands and gets into his truck and rides off.



October 28th, 3 Days Until Halloween.

Noah lays in bed, he talks into his phone recording for his podcast...after this latest death, he's determined to end it...but not without one final message.

Noah: With Riley and Zoe...I was horrified...sickened. But with Audrey I'm broken. She was the closest friend I had. The glue that held me together, the mother to my Jason, the chainsaw to my massacre, the Bi-Curious to my Virgin. It's almost impossible that she's...gone. I keep looking at my phone expecting a call from her but...nothing. really hit me. It knocked me on my ass and I finally realize it's time to grow the hell up. I will officially be ending The Morgue after 200 episodes. I want to thank every single person who's been listening and I want you all to hear my message and spread it to those you love and everyone else. Cherish your family and friends, spend as much time with them as you can. Be nice, be kind, be with the ones you love, you don't know when they'll be gone and when they can't take back anything. So please, my loyal listeners, fellow horror fans, keep on living, loving, and thriving. This is Noah Foster...signing off...

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