Chapter Two: Lakewood's Finest

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A car speeds into a parking lot, the door opens and the person SLAMS their foot on the ground. As we hear the footsteps walk further away the camera pans up to show a sign illuminating the streets with greens and reds. The sign reads "Crescent Palms Motel; Vacancy."

Inside room 118, We see a woman sitting by a desk, she's organizing a few papers, one of them is a newspaper article about the 1994 murders. A series of abrupt knocks causes the woman to shove the papers in the nearby drawer. She turns around to face the door and it's revealed, the woman is Piper Shaw. She opens the door to reveal...Audrey Jensen.

Audrey: Piper...we need to talk.

Piper: Alright, come in.

Audrey walks into the room and closes the door behind her. Piper grabs her phone.

Audrey: This isn't for the podcast.

Piper: Oh, then what is it?

Audrey: Piper...I brought you here for the documentary about your dad, Brandon...

Piper: Yeah and it's going well so far, I hope.

Audrey: Piper...someone is out there murdering people in a Brandon James mask and it all started when I brought you here.

Piper: So...what? You think my itty bitty ass is going around slashing teens?

Audrey: I feel like we have a good connection, Piper. I need to know for sure that this isn't you.

Piper: Even if it was me...Nina wasn't your friend, I know she wasn't the way you talked about her in the letters. So why do you care about her being dead? If it was me then I just did you a big favor.

Audrey: It wasn't just Nina...they found Rachel too.

The room gets silent, Audrey looks down trying to get the image of Rachel hanging out of her head.

Piper: Audrey, I would never do anything like that to hurt you.

Piper gets up from sitting on the bed.

Piper: Audrey, I am so sorry.

Piper hugs Audrey.

Piper: I know how much you cared about her. I swear to you, Audrey, I had nothing to do with it.

Audrey: I believe you.

Piper: You're gonna need to get some sleep, just try not to think about it too much. Justice will be served.

Audrey: Thanks, Piper.

Audrey smiles at Piper and walks out of the room shutting the door behind her. Light from the bathroom emerges into the room as a face peeks through the's Kieran Wilcox. Piper looks over at him, smiling.



October 27th, 4 Days Until Halloween.

The sudden sound is alarming, Audrey JUMPS up from the floor. She's sweating and confused. She sees a bowling ball rolling past her and then another loud BANG! Another bowling ball rolls off the rack. Audrey begins to recognize this place, it's the bowling alley where her, Emma, Noah, Jake, and Brooke found Will. Audrey walks over to the door and tries opening it but it won't budge. She checks her pockets for her phone but realizes it is not there. She yells out "Hello!" and bangs on the door. She then hears a loud BANG from the other side of the door. She picks up a long stick with a knife duct taped to the end of it and backs away from the door. After a good minute or so she slowly walks towards the door and tries opening it again, it does. She starts walking out with the knife stick in hand. Audrey then hears an old telephone ringing, she walks over to a booth and picks it up.

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