Part 1

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"Mother! Father! Please, come back!"

A little girl cried desperately to her parents. They were going to abandon her.

"She was dangerous" they said.

"She's so odd" they said.

"She's a freak."

She hears this all the time. It doesn't affect her. Well, it didn't before it caused her parents to leave her there on the street.

She was expecting this to happen, but didn't want to believe it. She knew it would happen someday, but was still broken hearted.

She was an only child. She had black hair and ruby red eyes. She was the odd one in her village. It was unnatural to have red eyes.

She doesn't know where her eye color came from. None of her ancestors had them. All of them were either hazel or green eyed. The black hair was unusual too. She knew No one with that hair color. Nor did anyone else.

__ __

Shaking from her crying fit, she had no choice but to get up and start her journey.

Hopefully, she finds a place where people will finally love her.

__ __

She walked and walked until she couldn't walk anymore.

She stopped in front of a rather large place, she couldn't make out if it was an estate, a castle.

She was hungry, no, starving.

She knocked thrice on a pair of giant doors, before falling to the ground with a loud thud.

__ __

Knock Knock Knock

"Ruby, get that for me would you?" Asked the young blonde man, placing down the documents in his hands. He stared at her for a brief moment. His icy blue eyes pierced into her flesh as if he was forcing her to. Of course, he would never do such a thing, he is a very kind eighteen year old after all.

"Yes, master." The red head maid of short stature bowed before her master, before excusing herself to answer the door.

The maid scurried down the corridor of the large castle. She arrived at the front doors and opened it enough so that she can see who it is. She gasped and swung the door wide open. "Aurthor, Allan! We have a situation here!" She called the two brothers, also workers in the castle.

"What's goin' on 'ere!?" Allan yelled. The two dark haired brothers stood at the door in shock as they witnessed what had happened.

"What happened to 'er?" Aurthor squatted down to examine the unconscious girl. "Well, she's probably already dead, but if not, just unconscious. She's really pale so either she 'asn't slept, eaten, or both." His Australian accent boomed in the corridor. "Alright, well let's get her inside, I'll inform the master. Take her to my room. And don't try anything." She pointed at them, then walked away.

__ __

"Your majesty-" "I told you, I don't like that title. Please use any title but that one." Sighed the Prince. He leaned back in his desk chair.

"Right, master. The person at the door was a teenage girl, we found her unconscious. Should we keep her?" "What? I want to see her. Take her to my room. I'll be there in a moment." The maid was a bit shocked that her master showed so much concern for a complete stranger. But she  smiled and bowed. "Yes, master."

__ __

Moments later, the young Prince walked into her room to find the girl about to wake.

"What? W-where am I?" She looked around the room until she laid her eyes on a blonde beauty, a princely man in front of her.

"Hello, are you lost?" He asked, getting a bit closer.

The girl sat up. "Well, yes and no. I was abandoned somewhere close by, I think it was close.

He was shocked. "I see. Well, this is your new home now. Have you eaten yet?"

She shook her head. "We'll take care of that." He got up and pulled a string hanging from the ceiling.

Almost instantly, a Ruby, the maid, knocked on the door. "Come in." Said the mysterious blonde.

"Yes, master?" She bowed.

"Can you bring this girl some food and tea please?" He smiled kindly. "Yes, master." With that she exited the room.

__ __

She ate politely and slowly. When she finished, she drank her tea. He watched her, smiling the whole time.

"I-is something wrong?" She asked cautiously. He chuckled. I swear his laugh sounds like bells. She thought, blushing at her own thoughts.

"Nothing is wrong, it's just you are very beautiful." Well that was straightforward.

If she wasn't already pink, she could compare to a tomato at that moment.

He chuckled softly at her reaction. "Um, thank you. Nobody has told me that before." She looked down to her teacup. He grabbed her hand gently, and stood her up. She placed her teacup down on a small table before looking right at his blue eyes.

"Well now someone has." He gave her a charming closed eye smile. She blushed once again while he led her out of his room.

He took her to a large lounge room. "Everything is huge here." She whispered in wonder.

"Do you not like it?" He asked with a slightly worried expression. "N-No! It's just... amazing. Are you rich? Or royalty?" She tilted her head in confusion.

"Well... royalty, actually. I'm a prince." He smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. Her eyes widened and she immediately apologized, bowing her head in shame. "OH MY GOD I'M SO RUDE IMMA GET MY HEAD CHOPPED OFF GAHH SO SORRY!!!!!"

He laughed wholeheartedly, almost falling over. "Wha? You're not going to cut my head off? GET IT OVER WITH! at least I'll die with a full stomach- boohoohooo."

Her comment made him fall to the ground laughing. "Im Haha, not goi-hahaha chop-hahahahahaha!"

She sweatdropped.

Then she realized; they haven't even introduced themselves yet!


"Yeah?" He finally calmed down.

"We don't even know each other's names." The young Prince thought for a moment.

"You're right! Well, my name is Francis."
He grinned.

The ebony haired girl giggled. "Rebecca."

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