Part 3

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"Ah! Rebecca, come, sit down." Francis motioned for me to sit next to him. I walked over to him.

"Becky is fine."

"Okay then, Becky. I don't have anything on my schedule soooo, what do you want to do?"


"I don't know... why don't you show me around the castle?"

"Ooh, great idea!"

__ __

He showed me around the castle and it lasted for three hours. Afterwards, I was feeling tired so I decided to go to my room.

"I'm going to my room. Feeling a bit- whoa!" The world around me started to spin.

"Becky! Are you okay?" Francis grabbed my waist before I could fall. "Thanks, I think I can...." and I blacked out.

__ __

Everything is black. Everything is quiet. I'm alone.

Suddenly, a white light appears. I walk towards it.

"Rebecca." I hear a name whisper.

"Who's there?" I look around cautiously.

"It's me, your mother." She whispers again. A woman appears with black hair and blue eyes. "But, my mother's blonde! You can't be my mother!"

"She may have raised you, but I am your mother. Your birth mother."

"Why did you leave me with people that hate me?" I started to tear up.

"My dear child, it was not my choice. I had to protect you. No matter the cost."

"Are you... alive?" I asked cautiously.

She chuckled, "How else would I be delivering this message?"

I smiled, knowing that there is someone who cares about me.

"Now, I came here to tell you some important information. You are a supernatural being, a demon."

"A whatsica?!"

She chuckled again. "A demon, so am I. Your father is long gone, but he was a demon too. Now listen, your goal is to marry a human, if not, marry for love. That will guarantee that our race will live on."

"Wow, uh, that's a lot to take in. Sooo, when can I see you again?" I asked her. She smiled softly. "Soon."

__ __

I jerked awake, hitting my head on something. "Owwie!" I cried as I rubbed my forehead. I looked up, there was Francis, copying my actions. I giggled. I looked around and noticed I was in my new room.

"Oh, thank goodness you're okay!" He hugged me tightly, which surprised me,  but I didn't mind. I hugged him back. "Can I trust you?" I asked Francis. He made a confused face. "Of course you can! And I trust you completely!"

"Okay, then. Don't freak out when I tell you this. I- I'm a demon. I just found out a few minutes ago." I told him about the dream. He had an excited spark in his eyes. "That's sooo cool! Do you have like a unique form or something?" I shrugged and thought about it.

Suddenly, I started to shrink. I looked in the mirror, and in my place, was a black cat with red eyes. "Cool!" He said. I tried to agree, but what came out was, "Meow!"

He picked me up and started to stroke me. I purred as he scratched under my chin. "You're adorable!" I giggled, even if I couldn't in my cat form.

I turned back into my human form. "Thank you." I smiled.

"What for?" He tilted his head in confusion, which I found quite cute. I giggled.

"For everything, for accepting me, giving me a home, being my friend. Everything."

I kissed his cheek and went to sleep.

__ __

Francis' POV

She kissed me. Well it was my cheek but still!

I can feel the warmth from her kiss lingering on my cheek.

I got up from her bed and smiled softly. She's so beautiful. I kissed her forehead and left the room.

__ __

When I got to my room, I noticed that I had no paperwork for today. I took my clothes off and slipped on my striped pajamas.

I lay on my bed thinking, I'm in love with a demon.

Sorry its so short. I have school and this was an informational chapter. Now you know why she's so odd! See you next chapter!

Luv ya!

"Me too!"


-Mari 😘😘

Unnatural Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora