Russia x America

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Alfred layed on Ivan's lap, softly snoring. Ivan played with Alfred's hair, humming a russian lullaby, Alfred soon opened his eyes and yawned sleepily, looking up at Ivan. "Oh... hey Ivan..." They had been dating for a few months now, Ivan had saved Alfred from Allen's sadistic ways, he had tortured Alfred almost to the point of suicide. But, Alfred was happy now with his russian boyfriend, he made him happy. Alfred sat up beside Ivan and layed his head on Ivan's shoulder. "mm.... Ivan do you think it would be nice to take a trip to my country?" They had lived at Ivan's house for the months they were dating, to try and avoid Allen. "I don't know.. we have to avoid Allen, da?" Alfred shivered slightly at Allen's name.  "We could go to Texas... Al- he usually stays in New York...." Ivan smiled. It would be nice to see Alfred's country side of him. "That would be fun, da. Are you sure you want to Alfie?" Alfred nodded and kissed Ivan's cheek. "Yeah, I know you'll protect me from you-know-who anyway." He smiled when Ivan nodded, and got up to go pack.

When they arrived Alfred was pretty happy to be back in his own country, even better when Allen wasn't anywhere to be found. He helped Ivan drag there bags into Alfred's old home, setting them down near the couch. Alfred happily stretched and yawned, being a bit tired from the drive from the airport. Ivan came over as Alfred was in mid-stretch and hugged him from behind, Alfred smiled and turned around, kissing him. "I you know you can take your scarf off, its 80 some degrees here." Ivan nodded but didn't move to take the scarf off. "Whats wrong Ivan? Is something important about it?" Ivan slowly nodded. "I'm afraid you wont like whats under it...."
"Dont say that I! I love everything about you."
"You do?" Alfred nodded. "It's okay, you can take it off." Ivan nodded again and slowly took it off, revealing old scars. Alfred's eyes widened a tiny bit and he reached up to run his fingers over them. Ivan shivered to his touch. "You don't like them... do you...."
"No, no! I'm just sorry you have them..."
"Its not your fault, Amerika...." Alfred took his hand away, knowing his boyfriend only called him that when he was upset. "Whats wrong Ivan? Tell me?" He guided Ivan to the couch and sat down with him. "Ivan, you can tell me..." Ivan looked into Alfred's warm light blue eyes, starting to feel happy. "I just... Dont know if you really care about me..."
"What!? I care about you! I always will, I love you Ivan!" He hugged him. "I always will.... You helped me so much.... Im greatful I have you..."
"You.. Are?"
"Yes." Alfred lifted his head up and kissed Ivan. "Dont ever forget that." He pulled away from the hug a few long minutes later. "Okay?" Ivan nodded. "Ivan how long do you want to stay here....?"
"Im not sure Alfie..."
"A few months? Il go chop some fire wood if you want. We can always take it back to your house." Ivan smiled slightly and nodded. "Cool." Alfred grabbed the bags and dragged then upstairs, Ivan getting up to help him. Ivan took a nap while Alfred went to chop some firewood, he came back later a bit sweaty, in his flannel shirt and jeans. He walked upstairs a bit tired and layed on the bed next to Ivan, he didn't bother to turn the ac on when they got there so they didn't need to get in the blankets. Alfred watched Ivan sleep, playing with his hair and caressing his cheek. Ivan slowly woke up and opened his eyes, seeing Alfred and smiling. He yawned and hugged Alfred, pulling him closer. Alfred smiled and kissed Ivan, wrapping his arms around his neck. Ivan moved his hands down to Alfred's hip and licked Alfred's bottom lip, asking for entrance. Alfred parted his lips and Ivan slipped his tongue in, Alfred not bothering to fight for dominance. Ivan explored Alfred's mouth and moved his hands up, unbuttoning his shirt. Alfred pulled away, softly panting for air. He started to take off Ivans shirt as Ivan moved down to Alfred's pants, once they were both down to there boxers Ivan started palming Alfred, Alfred letting out a breathy moan. Ivan stopped and turned Alfred on his back and got down, pulling Alfred's boxers down with his teeth. Alfred panted and started to get a little impatient. Ivan grabbed Alfred memmber as he bit his lip, and Ivan started to lick the tip, teasing him. Alfred could feel himself get harder and he ran his hand through Ivans hair, pushing him down slightly. Ivan took Alfred's member in his mouth, sucking softly. Alfred moaned and Ivan reached up and tugged on his cowlick, his member still in his mouth. Alfred moaned louder, bucking his hips. Ivan relaxed his throat and deepthroated Alfred, making him moan louder. Alfred climaxed after another minute or two, moaning out loudly. Ivan choked but swallowed and pulled away. Alfred panted. "S-sorry I... I should have... Warned you..."
"Its okay, da."
Ivan got up off the bed and walked over to his bag. Alfred watched him looking confused. Ivan opened it up and pulled out a bottle of lube, and rope. Alfreds eyes widened and Ivan tied his arms and legs to the bed frame, stretching them out. He poured some lubricant on his fingers and started to thrust one into Alfreds entrance. Alfred moaned and squirmed slightly. Ivan kissed around Alfred's body, leaving a few bite marks. He added another finger, making Alfred moan a bit louder. He added another fingers and Alfred let out more moans, but Ivan took his fingers out before Alfred climaxed. Alfred whimpered when he felt Ivan's fingers removed. He lifted his head up and widened his eyes, Ivan had took off his boxers and was coating his member with lube. They were both panting slightly and Ivan positioned himself, climbing over Alfred. "Readdy alfie..?" Alfred nodded and Ivan slowly pushed himself in, Alfred tightened up and let out a breath of air, still panting. "Relax Alfie...." Alfred nodded for Ivan to move and Ivan slowly started thrusting. Alfred started to moan when Ivan thrusted faster. "Ah!~ I-Ivan th-there~!" Ivan realized he hit Alfred's prostate and nodded, thrusting faster and continuing to hit that spot. Alfred started to squirm a bit. "Ivan-n! Im gonna c-cum~!"
"M-me to Alfie....~!"
Alfred climaxed with Ivan coming shortly after. Alfred panted heavily and struggled through the binds, starting to get uncomfortable. Ivan pulled out and untied him, laying next to him. Alfred rubbed his wrists and nuzzled up to Ivan, falling asleep a bit quickly. Ivan smiled and played with Alfred's hair.

"Eh... I love you Ivan..."
"I love you to Alfie..."

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