America x Denmark

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Alfred and Mathias were walking quietly around town. The two had gotten an apartment together, and their jobs were close, so they thought it would be best to just be roommates. Mathias even drove Alfred to work some days, which was nice, and Alfred took Mathias out on his motorcycle if they went to a party or something fun like a concert. They weren't too bad with living with each other, they both had that same cheery and bright mood to them, and enjoyed each other's company. Often playing video games and such, and neither of them wanted to admit it, but... The two started to develop feelings for the other. Yet both were too oblivious to realize the other liked them back. So, Alfred decided he had enough. Too many nights of laying in the room next to Mathias, the beds were right against the wall separating the two, and Alfred swore he could hear the man breathing. It was worse when he woke up, hearing soft moans just on the opposite side of the wall... ugh, it was too much for Alfred. He couldn't count how many times he heard them, how many times he could hear the other's moans replay in his head, and it always made him insane how the next morning Mathias would walk into the kitchen, get himself a cup of coffee, and smile and wave at Alfred like it was nothing. It drove Alfred absolutely insane! How could he be so cheery like that!? So, this day, Alfred thought, let's go to an arcade! They have a bar, with some drinks, and I can ask him out for something real, later! That's where they were now. Alfred offered to pay for their tokens, and Mathias said he would pay for their drinks. Mathias smiled as he looked around.
"This place is so cool! What should we do first!?"
Alfred smiled and looked around, chuckling.
"How about that dance dance revolution game?"
Mathias ran over, Alfred laughed and followed behind him. That's how it went most of the night, a game would catch each other's eye and they'd run to play it. Surprisingly, they didn't go to the bar until after Alfred's fifth round of buying tokens ran out. Both of them were panting, they'd wasted the last few tokens in the laser tag. Alfred had chased Mathias around half the course, and it was easy to see it.
"Alright, alright, we need a break, and I really want a drink."
"Oh, yeah, I completely forgot we could get drinks!"
Mathias laughed and hooked his arm around Alfred, making the other smile.
"I'm still buying! I'll even get you a burger, you bought a lot for us tonight."
"Thanks, dude, but it's fine-"
Mathias gasped, looking at Alfred. Alfred's face was flushed red, and he hoped Mathias thought it was only from the running.
"Who are you!? Of course I'm buying you food! You love burgers! Come on, let's get a drink or two and eat."
Mathias smiled brightly, Alfred smiled back and nodded. The two walked up to the bar, Mathias humming and ordering for the two. Alfred sat at the bar, Mathias coming and sitting next to him.
'Come on Alfred, he's right here.."
Alfred thought quietly to himself, sighing softly and going to turn to Mathias.
"Hey, Mathi-"
"Here are your drinks. Your burger will be done soon."
"Oh, thank you!" Mathias sipped his drink, looking back at Alfred, "What were you saying, Alfred?"
Mathias smiled back at Alfred. Alfred sighed again and took a drink, realizing Mathias had got him rum and coke. It was pretty nice, surprisingly.
"Look, I-I..."
Alfred rubbed his hands a bit, frowning softly.
'Shit... Why am I so damn nervous about this..?'
"Y'see, Mathias-"
"Is everything okay Alfred?? You're sweating and you look upset- did I do something wrong?"
"No, no! You haven't done anything, well, bad anyway, just... shit. Forget it. I can always tell you later."
Mathias frowned and shook his head, drinking the rest of his drink and taking Alfred's drink, grabbing Alfred's hand with his free hand and going to lead him off away from the crowd, a more quiet part of the arcade where some busted games were.
"Alfred, don't hold back on me. If I did something just tell me, and we can work it out-"
"No! Wait, fuck, that's not what I mean- god, the one time I can't talk!"
Alfred took a deep breath, trying to calm down. Mathias held out his drink for him, and Alfred took a quick drink. He relaxed, his shoulders un-tensed, and he sighed.
"Mathias, I've been thinking for a long time.. and I-I can't keep doing this! I hear you most nights, y'know, the walls are really thin, and... Yeah, not to embarrass you or anything, because I actually really like it, dude! Er, like you, I-I like you, just... gah! I've made this all awkward.."
Mathias was a bit red in the face, giving a confused look.
"What do you mean, Alfred?"
"I-... I really, really like you. I don't want to keep being "roommates" or "bros" because... shit, dude, I-I really like you, like like you, and I didn't want it to be weird or anything, but I want to be with you, so bad! I can't just keep waking up in the morning after hearing your, err, cute, moans the night before, to see you walk out of your bedroom with that cheerful smile- god, because I want to be the reason for them! But, fuck, I've probably made this awkward, and now I'm just rambling, probably with the alcohol, so please, make me stop talking..."
Alfred gave a nervous chuckle, running his hand through his hair. Mathias was shocked at first, a deep blush across his face before he smiled sweetly.
"Alfred... no, no, don't... don't be upset, I feel... sort of the same way. I don't know about the nightly listening part though."
Mathias chuckled, walking over to Alfred. Alfred smiled brightly, walking straight into Mathias' arms. The two sealing their lips in a kiss. Alfred set his glass down on top of one of the machines, leaning to Mathias as he deepened the kiss. He wrapped his arms around the other, Mathias smiling and pulling Alfred close. Alfred shortly pulled away, a lot more relaxed than before.
"How about we go, get the burger, maybe another drink or two, and head back?"
"Sure, that sounds great."
Mathias smiled, Alfred nodding and going to pull Mathias back over to the bar, bringing his glass with him. The waiter saw the two and went over.
"I wasn't sure where you were, so I held it for you. Is everything alright?"
"Yep, thank you! Sorry about that, just had an urgent call."
Alfred smiled brightly, the waiter nodded and chuckled a bit, setting the burger down for him.
"Another round of drinks?"
"Yes, sir."
Mathias smiled. Alfred went to eat, sighing happily.
"Ah... It's still warm. And really good."
Allan chuckled, quickly gobbling it ul. Mathias laughed, shaking his head as he drank his drink, watching Alfred intently as he smiled. Alfred went and drank some of his own drink, humming as he went to look back at Mathias, smirking softly as he got an idea.
"Let's get a bottle and head home, hm?"
Alfred gestured to his glass, Mathias nodded and smiled, calling the waiter over.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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