America x Germany

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A/N: Here you go lunarnight3 ! I was kind of surprised by this request, I haven't heard of a Germany x America in awhile! But still glad you requested it, so here~

Alfred waited patiently, yet excitedly, at the airport. He had found out they were having the world meeting in Hamburg, Germany! He had to ask Germany all about it! So, he asked the blonde german to come pick him up to show him around before the meeting started. He had ignored all the things Germany had tried to explain to him that Hamburg didn't have anything to do with an actual hamburger. Ludwig walked into the airport and looked around for the American but heard him way before he even got a chance to spot him.
"Hey ludwig dude! It's been a while! Glad you could come pick me up!"
Alfred smiled happily, bouncing over to the german. Ludwig chuckled. With the american flag suitcase he looked a bit out of place here.
"Glad jou could come Alfred. But vhy so early...?"
"I told you dude! I wanted to see hamburg!"
Ludwig sighed.
"Alfred jou do realize zhat Hamburg doesnz have anyzhing zo do with zhe hamburger?"
Alfred pouted.
"But dude! It has to! Its Hamburg!"
Ludwig just sighed and nodded, starting to walk out and motioning for the american to follow.

"Zhis is vhere jou vill be zaying."
Alfred looked around and smiled.
"Thanks dude! I heard a lot of these apartments were unfurnished but this looks nice!"
Ludwig nodded.
"Iz looked zerrible vithout anyzhing."
Alfred nodded in agreement and went and flopped down on the couch, sighing happily.
"Ahhh seriously thanks, do you want me to give you some money?"
"No no, I donz need jour american money. Zhank jou zhough."
Alfred nodded and nuzzled into the couch and the german couldn't help but smile, and he wasn't sure why.
"I have zo be going, goodbye america!"
Alfred waved as Ludwig walked out, leaving him to himself. Alfred sighed and checked his phone, he texted Matthew to see if he or anyone else was coming soon but saw it would still be a few days. He pouted and put his phone down thinking about what to do. Alfred walked around the apartment some, smiling at how tidy the german had kept it. He went to go checked the fridge and saw some beers Ludwig must have kept there and Alfred took one, grabbing his phone and looking at the legal drinking age.
"Oh sweet, I forgot his drinking age is lower than mine."
Alfred looked at his drink and shrugged, putting his phone down and drinking it. Alfred actually kind of liked the taste and soon finnished it, going to get another.
"Ehh il buy him more, a few won't hurt to drink, yeah?"

Ludwig wondered why Alfred wouldn't answer his phone, nor his door. He had bought some food for the american because he figured he hadn't got any euros yet. He knocked again.
Still no answer.
Ludwig sighed and figured he would just leave it in the fridge, getting the key out for the apartment and opening it, to find a passed out Alfred, and most likely drunk on the couch with empty beer bottles around him. Ludwig's eyes widened at the sight and he facepalmed when he had remembered he left the beer there. He sighed and put the food away and went over to the couch, picking up the bottles and throwing them away. He walked back over and tried to pick Alfred up.
"Ugh.. Alfred... Jou need zo go zo bed.."
Alfred nuzzled into the german, making Ludwig blush slightly but he shook it off. He didn't have feelings for Alfred. Neither did Alfred, he was probably just dr-
"Mm.... I love you luddy..."
Ludwig froze. Alfred loved him? He looked down at the america as he opened his eyes some and looked up at Ludwig, nuzzling into his chest again.
"Do you love me to luddy?"
Ludwig blushed. Should he tell Alfred? Would he even remember it?
Ludwig sighed and nodded.
"I do love jou..."
Alfred smiled softly and leaned up and kissed Ludwig.
"Yayyyy... Luddy loves me to..." He clinged to the german, and the german's blush only got darker. He sighed and put Alfred down in the bed, going to walk out when he felt a tug on his sleeve.
"Awww luddy dont leave meee... Come lay down with me luddy!"
Ludwig looked back at the american and just sighed and agreed, laying next to him after taking his shoes off. Alfred smiled and wrapped his arms around Ludwig, pulling him close. He kissed the german who soon kissed back, still blushing. Alfred tried to make it more heated, and licked the germans bottom lip. Ludwig hesitantly opened his mouth and Alfred slipped his tounge in, exploring the germans mouth. After a minute they started fighting for dominance and Ludwig won over the drunken american and slipped his tounge in Alfred's mouth. Alfred pulled away panting softly after a minute, looking at Ludwig and getting up some, shifting and moving to get between the german's legs. Ludwig's eyes widened but he didn't stop the american as he took off the german's clothes to reveal his boxers. Ludwig's blush got worse as he watched Alfred, and Alfred started to rub him through his underwear. He moaned softly and Alfred smirked, pulling his boxers down. Alfred leaned down and licked up from the base to the tip, earning soft moans from Ludwig. He took the tip into his mouth and sucked softly, as Ludwig moved to put his hands through Alfred's hair. Alfred took in more until the german hit the back of his throat. He tried not to gag and he stroked the rest he couldn't reach. Ludwig moaned as Alfred tried his best to deepthroat him. He gripped to the american's hair and accidentally brushed against his cowlick, making him moan and making his mouth vibrate against the german's cock. Ludwig moaned louder as pleasure was sent through him. Alfred sucked harder and bobbed his head, earning more moans.
"A-alfred im gonna cum~"
Ludwig arched his back slightly before he came into Alfred's mouth, Alfred swallowing it quickly and sitting up, coughing some. He had a bit on his lips and he quickly licked it off.
"Mmm Luddy tastes good~"
The blush only seemed to get darker on the german as he nodded, his eyes widening again as Alfred climbed ontop of his lap, grinding against him. They both moaned, and Alfred soon stopped as he placed his knees on either side of the german, sitting up some as he lined up his entrance with Ludwig's member.
"Alfred are jou sure? Maybe I should p-prepa-"
"Shhh its okay Luddy."
Alfred gave him a smile as Ludwig just nodded and sighed. Alfred slowly lowered himself onto the german"s member, biting his lip some as it stretched him. Alfred took a few minutes as he got used to the others size, then put his hands on his stomach and started to move. He moaned after a bit, as did the german. Alfred moved as fast as he could manage after a few minutes, when Ludwig grabbed his hips and started thrusting in time with Alfred's bounces. Alfred moaned and gripped to the german. Ludwig moaned as he sped up some.
"L-luddy right there~!"
Alfred moaned loudly as his prostate was hit. Ludwig nodded and roughly thrusted into the american's prostate, causing him to moan louder.
"Luddy I-im gonna cum~!"
Ludwig grunted in agreement and moved to pump Alfred, Alfred moaning out and cumming, it getting on Ludwig's chest and some on his hand. Ludwig felt Alfred tighten and gave a few more deep thrusts before cumming. He moaned and panted softly afterwords. Alfred rode out his climax before leaning down and kissing the german. Ludwig kissed back then helped Alfred get down and lay beside him. Alfred smiled and clung to him.
"I love you so much luddy..."
"I love jou zo, Alfred.."

A little bonus!~
Alfred woke up and tried to sit up but got a bad pain his his head. He rubbed it trying to make it go away as he layed back down but froze when he felt something pressing against his back and his ass hurting. He quickly turned around to see Ludwig and didn't know how to react. He was happy it wasn't a stranger but his crush..? Then again this might not be to bad. Alfred smiled some at the thought of Ludwig liking him back and leaned over to kiss him, before laying back down and rubbing his head again, trying to get rid of the headache from the hangover. Ludwig turned and wrapped his arms around Alfred as he jumped slightly but looked at Ludwig and smiled.
"Good morning Ludwig..."
"Goodmorning Alfred."
Alfred kissed him and nuzzled up next to him.
"It... Happened last night, didn't it?"
"Ja... But jou should have zold me... I love jou to."
Alfred nodded.
"Now, I vill go get jou a drink for zhat hangover, ja?"

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