3 ~ Club

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Hi guys!! I'm back...My whole family and I just got home, we spent 3 days in my grandmothers house which an hour and half away from our house..

Anyways Hope you'll like this!!


 "O-okay that's enough both of you.." Konan sweat-drop as she tries to get the attention of the two

 "Now back to practice all of you!" Pein shouted making the whole team jump an inch before they swarm like insects towards the court.

"Except you Hidan!Do 30 suicide now!!"

 "What did I fucking do this time!!?" Hidan shouted as he approach Konan

"You want me to make it a hundred?" Konan asked him without looking as she keep her gaze at her notebook

"Fucking no! Tsk"Hidan said as he starts to do his assign task/punishment

"Good to hear..I'll give you 10 minutes to finish that"Konan mumble aloud for him to hear which Hidan return a glare

"Suicide?"Sakura unconsciously asked no one in particular

"Your new to this thing rights Sakura-chan?" Konan asked Sakura making her flinch a little.

"I guess I said it out loud,Well sort of besides I'm not really into this kind of things"Sakura said as she look ahead of her to watch the team and the bastard (Hidan).

 "Well suicide is a drill in basketball and it is Almost different in the real suicide is......in some ways though"

"You mean if the fatigue cannot kill the person, I think I sorta understand it"

"Hidan! You have 2 more minutes to finish!or else!" Konan shouted as she looked at he timer(Stop watch)

"What!! No shit Sherlock!" Hidan shouted as he pick up his speed to make his task/punishment to finished faster.

"Anyways I was wondering why did you need help in the club?I think you can handle it perfectly" Sakura asked as she help Konan prepare the drinks for the team

"Well hey we're handful if they wanted too you know."

"I guess you guys are close"

"Close?well you can say that we're almost in the same class"

"Wow that most be hard"

"You bet!hahaha"

* * * * * * * * * * * * 

"What do you think Sakura-chan?" Konan asked as they walked along with the team


"Sakura-chan!!Please be our manager!! Ne!?" Tobi shouted as he kept on  pulling Sakura's sleeves

"I guess it wouldn't if I try? besides I still don't have any club in mind"


Wew!! sorry for the late and short Update Mina!

I was busy watching Karneval...though i wish it had a season 2 ....Next Kamisama Hajimemashita!(Which I almost finished now,2 more episode) then Sket Dance!!

anyways don't forget to....



and VOTE!!!

Ja nee~


(=^_____^=) V

P.S maybe I'll update next is ISTB(I'm Stronger Than Before)

Discontinue~My True Identity (Sakura Haruno FF)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant