11: Wattpad Hooks

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I hope you've seen from all the previous examples that great first lines come in many shapes and sizes. Something that works for one book will not work for another and vice versa. It has to fit your story, and be the best hook it can be for your story alone.

It may take many tries to get your very best first line but keep trying until you find the one...and then say goodbye to it when you find the next one that's even better!

But one word of warning, your first line is meant to be a reflection of what is to come. A taste of the rest of your work. You can write the most unbelievable hook out there, but if the rest of the story is not compelling enough to tempt the reader to read on, your book is not likely to make much of an impact.

So grab your reader, hook, line and sinker. Just don't forget to reel them in!

Now without further ado, I present to you -

The Best Wattpad Hooks:

A Magical Misfortune by @TraceyJo

Cora Elizabeth Emerson applied her favorite shade of red lipstick, and set out to ruin someone's life.

This opening line goes straight to the point of the book, catching us off guard with surprising hilarity. It is not only surprising and funny it is also extremely vivid. You can just imagine Cora applying the perfect shade of evil red lipstick, puckering up her lips and setting off for a day of wickedness.

Normally we don't root for the bad guy (or gal!) but here, in this one line we find ourselves instinctively liking Cora and hoping she succeeds - so long as she doesn't cross our paths at least!

This one line begs the question, why is she setting out to ruin someone's life? Why just any someone and not someone specific? And will she succeed?

Edgewise by @krazydiamond

Mack suspected something was up when the kegs started exploding.

This is such a powerful opening. Exploding kegs!! Hello?

It's so surprising and vivid, as well as being ironic. If he didn't suspect something was up before, he definitely does now! And I don't know about you, but if kegs started exploding in my vicinity I think I'd be long past suspicion. In fact, I'd be fully convinced that something was most definitely up!

We immediately ask ourselves why did it takes so long for Mack to get suspicious? Who is Mack and why are his kegs exploding? What's going on? Who's behind it?What does it have to do with Mack? And what's he going to do about it?

Exported [Book 3 in the Expiring Series] by @MikaelaBender

I'm dying.

This hook is so short and yet so gripping and powerfully intriguing. It takes us straight into the conflict and we are hit with a ton of questions:

Is he really dying? Or does he just feel like he's dying and is being overly dramatic? Is he always so melodramatic or is he justified in feeling this way?

And even if he is being a drama queen (king?), the punch in the stomach that this one liner gives still makes us feel for him. We don't want the MC to die the second we start the book! At least wait until the second chapter!

What's been done to him? And most importantly, will he survive it?

(Author's note: Thank you all for reading and voting, it really means so much to me! I'm so happy to be back! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and you like these hooks as much as I do.

What's your favorite Wattpad hook?)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2018 ⏰

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