•When They Realized They Love You•

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Tony Stark•
He happened to come home early from a mission instead of that usual time. You were home alone so that meant having fun alone time. Your favorite song was playing as you slide across the floor in just Tony's shirt and socks. Shades were on the top of your head as you hopped around to dance. You were shaking your hips and belting out lyrics into a fake microphone as Tony walked into your room. He just smiled and realized he knew he words to the song and immediately jumped in and started singing.

Thor Odinson•
As you two were traveling to Asgard you gripped him so tight and buried your head in his chest. His arms were wrapped around your figure as he called Heimdall. You felt secure in Thor's arms yet you were scared about traveling. Thor somehow felt this and kissed you deeply as if to assure you.

Loki Laufeyson•
You two were taking a bath together. It was just a bath, no wandering hands or frisky touches. Just bubbles,water and your favorite bath salts. The room was dim with just candles to provide light and you were leaning on Loki's chest. He cupped his hands and filled them with water only to gently pour it down your arms. He looked down at you to see you smiling up at him and it seemed like his heart was going to burst.

Bruce Banner•
He happened to walk in on you with his lab coat on and trying to do an experiment. Your eyebrows were scrunched together and your eyes glared at the beakers in front of you. The liquid wasn't giving a reaction to the mixing you just did and it was getting you slightly frustrated.

"Um you look cute but what are you doing?" He asked with a shy smile

You looked up startled and realized it was him so you gave him a big smile.
"I was just trying to do something cool to show you sorry for taking your coat" you said bashfully
"No it's ok. Let's try to fix that solution"

Clint Barton•

The first time Clint came home bruised and battered you freaked out. Your eyes were wide and your mouth already forming a gasp. He just chuckled lightly at your reaction and threw himself on the couch. You ran to get the first aid kit and sat next to him. Grabbing the antiseptic you dabbed at his cuts with shaking hands. It was dark in the room because none of you bothered to turn on the lights but he could still see your worried yet concentrated face. Your h/c hair slightly fell and your lip was tight between your teeth. Seeing you like this made something in Clint do flips.
Steve Rogers•
When you heard that Steve was in the hospital you rushed over and cried as you saw him. His face was bruised and his eye was swollen shut. Small cuts littered his face yet he looked so peaceful as he was unconscious. The team left you alone with him as you cried silently. You sat besides his bed after putting both of your favorite songs on a playlist. Slow and old songs filled up the room as you drifted to sleep resting your head on the bed. Your hand gripped Steve's as you slept and as he woke up. Looking around Steve saw your figure rest halfway on the bed and felt your hand on his. Leaning back on the bed he went back to sleep feeling a little happier.

Bucky Barnes•

You two were slow dancing on your lazy day. Both of you came home from a hard mission yesterday and you decided on some relaxation time. The day consists during of movies, cuddling and lots of snacks. It was Bucky's idea of slow dancing after learning you didn't know how. Due to his insisting you stood on his feet and swayed to the song playing (Stand by Me by Ben E. King). Your head rested on his chest (or his head rested on your chest cause I don't know how tall y'all are) and his heart beat comforted you. Light shone through the curtains and fell on your figures. You two spent what felt like eternity swaying in each other's arms around the room and Bucky couldn't have been happier.

Pietro Maximoff•
You were dragging him around to every ride at a carnival. The spinning rides? You got on it. The rides that shoot you in the air? You were on it. Even the carousel? You were on it. Some of the roller coasters? With some hesitation but yes. There was one roller coaster that you kept avoiding, no matter how many times Pietro begged. He even tried to drag you there but you weren't having it. I mean who wants to get on a roller coaster called The Deathly Rise? That sounds scary. Apparently Pietro wasn't having it. He was the one who wanted to get on it and get on it he will. When you weren't paying attention he whisked you away to the ride and sped onto one cars. Before you could even protest the familiar clicking of chains started and you were starting to move. Throughout the whole ride you were a mix of scared, excited and slightly sick but your grip on Pietro faltered. This somehow warmed heart.

Natasha Romanoff•
You two were watching a horror movie. Like Natasha you didn't get scared and just watched them to yell at the stupid actions of the people. There was one time where the person kept doing things that were obviously attracting the monster. You just got furious and started yelling at it. Seeing you so angry made her so happy.

Wanda Maximoff•
You were staring in amazement at her powers. Your eyes trailed the wisps of scarlet flowing from her fingers. The object once neatly placed on her desk was now suspended highly in the air. The way you seemed so purely intrigued and amazed by to Wanda simple magic made her heart swell in happiness.

Peter Parker•
He swung into his room after his nightly activities to see you asleep in his bed. You were laying on your side cuddling a stuffed animal that you won for Peter and you had a smile on your face as if you were having a good dream. He shook his head knowing that you fell asleep attempting to wait for him to get back. Instead of waking you up he took off his suit and crawled in behind you, wrapping himself around you and smiling when you cuddled into him.

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