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Overwatch Headquaters// Tracer's P.O.V

By the time we got back it was late into the night. I felt like if I didn't go to sleep now I would faint. I would have to tell Jack about Genji in the morning. I dragged my feet to my room just down the hall and flung my self in bed. I couldn't sleep. I looked over to my picture of Genji and thought 'I miss you already Genji!'. I stared at the poster for hours on end until I just fell back to sleep.
Tracer's Dreams
I started to dream about what talon would be doing to Genji. Were they beating him until death or something els. I had to find out. I needed to. Suddenly, I was transported into the talon base. There was a huge shaft of stairs that lead down to a block a cells. In one of them curled up against the wall was a robot. "Genji!" I shouted but I got no answer. I continued to shout, "Genji! Over here! Genji!" It was no use. It seemed like I was like a ghost there, no one could see or hear me. After a couple minuets shouting for Genji's attention, Widowmaker and Reaper came down the stairs with 2 large bats with spikes coming from of them. They started to head towards Genji cell so I moved back away from them. They opened up Genji's cell and locked themselves in. Reaper landed a hit on Genji with the bat. Reaper shouted, "Where's the Overwatch Headquaters!" Genji didn't respond. The two of them kept hitting him with the bats and repeating the same question just loader and loader. Genji wouldn't give in. I tried to get in the way of the bats but they just went right through me. Genji received one more final blow in the head then there was a faint weary sound and Genji dropped to the floor. "Genji!" I screamed. I was in tears but I still managed to mutter the words "I Love You!"
Talon Base// Genji's Dreams

They left me strapped in a chair all night. 'I guess this is where I'm sleeping tonight.' I thought to myself. I went straight to sleep. I started to dream about everyone back at the Overwatch Headquaters. I was suddenly teleported there. I was in a ghost like form no one could see or hear me. I started to walk to my room when I was stopped by the sound of a girl in tears. "Lena!" I shouted, it was no use, no one can hear me. "Please don't cry, I'm here!" I looked at the poster of me, this time there was something new drawn all over it. A black marker drawn the shape of a heart. "Lena." I tried to get her attention again, it just couldn't stay with me that I couldn't be heard. 'Does Lena actually miss me this much! Why, I a useless robot that doesn't know anything' I thought. I started to remember all of the times me and Lena had together, the movie, the mission, and when she first joined Overwatch, instantly I found a new best friend. It finally hit me. The movie specifically for me, her getting closer to me, the giant heart, all the crying. 'Does Lena love me?!' I started to blush a little bit. I was actually going to ask her on a date soon, I just couldn't find the bravery to do it. But now if tracer really does like me I feel braver, if I ever get out of Talon Base that is.
Little did both of them know, they both loved each other, but now separated.

Thanks for reading this chapter guys. I am really enjoying making this and would love to do more in the future, I just need your suggestions. What fanfic would you like to see next. Leave it in the comments. Thanks again to Starburst1232 .
See Ya!

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