2. Cards

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"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest of souls. The most massive characters are seared with scars."
-Khalil Gibran

"Hey, Winnie! Want to play?"

Winter looks up. Alvez had nicknamed Winter "Winnie" for unknown reasons, but she let him continue doing it. She sees him holding a pack of cards, sitting in a group with Prentiss and... Reid. WInter knew how well he played cards, and he knew how well she played, too. She was tempted to say no and finish her book, but Reid seemed so excited as he looked at her with a smile. She didn't want to hurt him. Plus, she wouldn't mind spending some more time with him...

"Sure," she retorts with a small smile, placing a bookmark and going to the only open chair. Beside Reid. Okay, Luke is doing this on purpose, she thought. "Poker?"

Alvez deals, and across the aisle, Rossi, Lewis, and Simmons glance over. Rossi and Alvez realized something that the others have yet to. She was incredibly good at poker, possibly just as good as Reid was.

It was by the fourth hand that Winter was smirking, and Alvez and Prentiss were both amused by Reid's frustration with her. She had won every hand so far.

"Royal flush," she says. Reid throws his cards on the table, looking increasingly frustrated.

"You okay, Spence?" JJ asks. She had woken up after the third hand, amused to see Reid's losses.

"Nah, JJ. He's just mad that he still can't beat me," Winter says with a smirk. "He's even worse at chess. Still can't figure out how I do it, Pretty Boy?" she teases Reid, turning to him. He blushes at the nickname. She knew that only Morgan called him that.

"It's a game of the mind and of strategy. You have to know in the moment," he responds.

"So, no," Winter states, making everyone laugh. "Fine. Let's play something else. I'll teach you all how to play Euchre!"

• • •

Winter's ears pop as the plane begins to descend back into Virginia. Everyone was starting to wake up and move around, gathering their stuff. She reaches to grab her bag and pack her books up. After cards, they had all gone to do their own little things.

The whole crew headed back to the office to finish the files from the case before everyone headed home. Nothing sounded better to Winter than going to sleep in her soft, cushy bed.

"I am going to hibernate until the next case, so see you all tomorrow," she says with a yawn, earning laughs. She slides on her light jacket and heaves her messenger bag over her shoulder.

"Winter, wait up a sec." JJ approaches Winter. "Prentiss, Garcia, and I were wondering if you wante dto join us for girls night tomorrow," she asks. "Time away from the office and the guys. Who knows? Maybe you'll get lucky..." she says suggestively, making Winter laugh.

"I'd be happy to come, but I'll probably stay away from the alcohol," Winter says. Too bad it's only a girls night or else she could have spent some time catching up with Reid. Maybe even share a dance... "Okay, now I'm going to head out. Night everyone!"

Winter enters the elevator, the doors closing before something stops it. A satchel. Reid, she whispers.

"Hey, Winter," he says as he clumsily walks in the elevator, pushing the button for the ground floor.

"H-hey," she stutters. Reid smiles.

"So, I was thinking..."

"Yeah?" Winter stares into his chocolately eyes. Oh, she forgot hoe lost she got in them...

"Perhaps we can meet up sometime tomorrow to catch up?" he asks.

Winter stands still. Did he just ask her on a date? No way, it can't be a date, she thinks.

"Of course!" she exclaims. "I'd love to hang out with my old friend again!" Shit, she called him a friend. Way to go, Winter.

"Awesome!" Reid states with a smile. The doors began to open, and as they did, he reached Winter to hug her.

"Have a good night, Winter," he said as he let go and walked to his car.

Winter stood there, in awe of what had just happened, letting it sink in. She quickly walked out of the elevator before the doors shut. She slowly walked back to her car, a smile stuck on her face.

a/n: After 4 years, I'm back! I decided to give you all the story you all waited so patiently for! The #Spinter story you all love so dearly! Or #Wencer. Idk yet lol, I'm bad at ship names haha. But I'm back, and I'm happy to continue this story for you all! I missed you all! xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2021 ⏰

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