The Daily Drops

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        Everyday around the same time, I see small aircrafts fly out of the city. Sometimes they fly right over my village. It's then that I realize, they aren't small at all. They always seem to be carrying large shipments of supplies. At least that's what it looks like. They always fly by like they're in a rush, or like something is chasing them. One time they flew by so fast, a piece of their shipment fell. Our whole village gathered around to see what amazing thing had just fallen. Then once we got closer, it turned out to be a piece of fabric from clothing they had on board. Now when things fall, no one really goes for them. I didn't care for the drops, until one day.

        I was walking back from the village market, when the daily ship flew by and a strange object hit me on the head. It was a bright glowing orb. I grabbed it and took a quick look at it. Then once I heard the aircraft turn around, I immediately hid the strange orb. I thought to myself "they will probably just do a quick over head search." But then they started to land. As they landed, villagers started running up to the aircraft, but they didn't know it was a mistake to do so. Once the men came out of the ship, they started zapping everyone of them with a taser stick. They quickly fled to their houses, and I did the same. Once I got home I locked the door and hid under my bed. All night I was clenching the orb in my arms, hoping they wouldn't bust my door down and kill me.

Far EdenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora