A Friendly Figure

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I was approaching the edge of the forest. There was a bright opening that looked out over a large stretch of desert, metal debris scattered everywhere. This area was called the wasteland. As a kid I would sometimes sneak out at night when everyone was asleep, and I would come to this desert to scavenge for little gadgets to bring home and collect. I then lost them all because of a security check of me and Angelica's house at the time. Now I live alone, and it will stay that way, forever. Thank God.

After taking a glance at what I already knew, I saw a moving object in the distance. Looked like some sort of gadget with an orb like mine in the middle of it. As I got closer to it, I noticed it was a robot, a dog robot to be exact. He seemed to be lost, which I wasn't surprised considering he was miles away from any civilization, well besides my village.

He ran up to me and sniffed me. Then he just sat down in front of me and stared. I wasn't sure what to do, so I just kneeled down to get a good look at him. He seemed a little warn out and beat up, so I asked him "you lost buddy? Do you have a home?"

      He made a little robot bark and then ran off into the large spread of desert. But then stopped and looked back at me. I think he wanted me to follow, so I ran after him trying not to trip on any metal shards. As I started to catch up to him, he slowly disappeared into the sandy mist. But I couldn't let him go, I felt like he was pointing me to something important.

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