The Mysterious Orb

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The next morning I woke up to find the orb missing. I took a little search around my house and it was no where to be found. I then went to my door to find that it was no longer locked. Either the men took it, or my annoying care taker Angelica took it. Angelica was always teasing me through childhood, so I wouldn't be surprised if she had broke into my house and stole it. I went to where she always hangs out, the village plaza. A place to chill and view Far Eden. As I approached the plaza, I wasn't surprised to see Angelica sitting down with the orb on the table in front of her.

        As I got closer I noticed that she was taking money from the villagers as they looked at the orb. I approached Angelica and asked her what she was doing with my item. She then responded by saying "This isn't yours, you didn't find it, I did, so run along." This made me want to punch her stupid smug face, but I knew that would only end in me on the ground. So I kindly asked "Why did you break into my house last night?"

        She looked at me like she wanted to kill me, but I stayed looking confident as she went on to say "I never broke into your stupid house, I would have no reason to do so." Without asking, I grabbed the orb off the table and ran. She ran after me, but couldn't catch up. I slid into an alley way and hid behind a dumpster and waited. She finally ran by still looking for me. At this point I knew, it wasn't safe for me in the village anymore. I would need to go on a long journey to Far Eden. Where I would hopefully be away from all bad, Forever.

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