15th (Kongpob)

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After being rejected for many time by P'Arthit, I decide to leave him alone. Don't get me wrong, I'm not give up on him, I just give him some space for two days.

While I'm making coffee, I heard the doorbell rang.

I took the coffee grounds filter out first, then walked over to answer the doorbell and saw Em standing outside through the intercom.

I sigh, "What do you want?".

"Help me with my assignment. Please?!" Em is begging me, he even wai.

I buzzed him through the downstairs door, he come up right away.

As soon as Em entered my apartment, he hurriedly put away his bag and walked straight to the kitchen. 

It's seems that Em smell the coffee scent because I saw he took the inisiative to make ice coffee for us.

I just shook my head and sit on the sofa.

After we finished the assignment, we go to lunch at the cafe nearby.

"Eh, Kong! Can I ask you something?" ask Em while eating.

I chuckle, "Why can't you?".

"Your relationship with P'Arthit don't made any progress at all, right? Why are you still insist to pursuing him then?" Em look at me in puzzlement.

I raised an eyebrow, "I just believe that I can melting his heart and say yes"

Em rolled his eyes, "You should be awarded a medal for self-confident".

After lunch, Em drove me back to my apartment.

Since I had nothing to do, I pressed the power button to turn on my laptop and clicked on the Facebook icon.

I immediately checking P'Arthit Facebook wall, but he has never been updated. The last status he posted was when he comeback to his Hometown. It was almost 4 months ago.

While typing a new Facebook status, Tutah Natthawaranthorn sent me a chat message, I'm Arthit friend and I'd like to talk to you.  

I'm checking his Facebook wall and it's seems that he know I will do that because he posts a photo of him with P'Arthit.

I quickly type, When and where P'?.

Tomorrow. 10 am. Blue Cafe, he reply immediately.


Blue Cafe...

I sat down across P'Tutah and had staring contest with him.

"Ehm" I cleared my throat, "So, what do you want to talk about, P'?".

"I'm sorry. I've been your fan since The Moon and Star Competition" P'Tutah embarrasingly said and especially hyper added, "I've been checking your Facebook wall out every single day and wait for you to be online, so you can imagine how happy I'm when you finally online, and it's like dream to me to see face to face like this" .

"Thanks?!", I give him an awkward smile.    

P'Tutah put on a fake confused look and asked me, "You're really popular, aren't you?"

At this point, I'm somewhat aware of what P'Tutah would ask next so I empedes, "Why him?".

"Bingo" P'Toota clapped his hand.

"I don't know, I just attracted to him" I speaks calmly, "Beside, I felt there's no need reason to like someone and there aren't any rules, what you need is just the basic instinct on what should be done. Don't you think so too?"

"Of course" P'Tutah nodded enthusiastly.

"Oh ya, I want tell you something. Arthit is the type of guy that run when chased, so sometime you might need to push him" said P'Tutah slowly and faintly.

I smiles sincerely, "Thanks P', I think I know what should I do".

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2017 ⏰

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